chapter twelve

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rachel woke up to find sebastian must have moved in his sleep and was now snuggled up nehind her she wasnt sure what to do about it. as it was nature had its own course as she need the loo so she tried her best to gwt out of bed without waking him however she accidently kicked him in his balls as she tried to get up.

"fuck" he yelled waking up in agony

" im so sorry you were near me i need to loo im so sorry butni need the loo" rachel sais rushing to the spacious bathroom of the honeymoon suite.

once she was finished she went back into the room to find him sat up still wincing.

" jeez i know my thing knocked you up and caused the morning sickness but couldnt you just have yelled at it or slapped it like you slapped my face but to karati kick it is going to far"  sebastian said she knew he was joking

" im sorry but i didnt expect you tp be that close"rachel said

" yeah i must have moved in my sleep" he said

" im gonna get dressed"rachel said

"oh god"sebastian said

"does it still hurt"rachel acked

"its not thst its we are having breakfast with my parents"sebastian said

"does that bother you"rachel asked amused

"think i would rather you kick my cock again" sebastian said making her laugh

" oh come on they are lovely" rachel said

" yes but you realise they planned this i bet they checked the weather forecast and everything" sebastian said

" so" rachel said

" well i dont want things to be weird between us we owe it to our child to be friends"he said

"look i know this isnt how either of us thought having a baby would be but your parents are not gonna spoil anything sebastian ehat you should be worrying about ids my dads if you think your parents can plot things wait to you meet my dads" rachel said

" oh god they are gonna kill me arent they i knocked up their princess"sebastian said

" well i dont they will kill you but if you want to get them on your side tell them ypu were a warbler they love music they are the reason i love broadwsy it might make them like you"rachel said.

an hour later they were ready to head down to have breakfast.

as they arrived in the breakfast dining room they saw his mom waving to them so they walked over to his parents table.

" well good morning"maggie said

"sleep well" charles asked with a chuckle

" yes thank you" sebastian skd as they sat down

" so rachel was the bed comfy" charles asked

" yes very" rachel said

" how was the couch"charles asked while he read the menu though sebastian didnt answer but read his own menu

they ordered their breakfasts while sat having a coffee while they waited.

"so rachel i will pick you up in a cab at ten am on thursday im so looking forward to it we will have such a good time" maggie said to rachel.

" and ofcourse friday is scan day" sebastian said

" thats right i leave on saturday to sort some things out in westerville how about dinner on friday night to celebrate your twelve week scan as looking at your healthy glow im sure you will be getting good news"charles said

"okay" rachel said

"charles is right you have a healthy glow about you rachel"maggie said smiling at her

"ofcourse therecare other reasons  woman glow"charles said

"charles"maggie said

"what i mean the glow of love of happiness"charles said as their breakfast arrived.

"your getting worse stop it and if you must know nothing happened last night" sebastian said

after breakfast  they said goodbye to his parents and set off home as they arrived at theit apartment kurt was waiting for them.

  where on this earth have you been" kurt exclaimed when he saw them

" im fine we were at the plaza we gad dinner with them last night"rachel said as sebastian opened the door

"last night how many courses did you have to be getting home now" kurt asked

"what with the weather been bad his parents got us a room" rachel said

" if getting a room at the plaza is a side effect of getting pregnant i wish i had a womb" kurt said

" hang on you said a room" kurt said as they waled into the apartment

" yes it was the only room they had left" sebastian said checking to see if they had any messages on their answering machine.

" i see" kurt said winking at rachel.

" kurt" rachel mouthed

" what its not like you havent shagged him before" kurt mouthed

"shut up"rachel mouthed

"shut up im  miming" kurt said

"what the hell are you to doing"sebastian asked

"nothing"rachel said

"i see"sebastian said glaring at kurt.

" well as i know he hasnt done you in im off goodbye" kurt said

" god he is infuriating" sebastian said as he shut the door bebind kurt

" i agree"rachel said

" then why you still friends with him" he asked

" well two reasons firstly when kurt and i mwt i didnt have any friends   i clung to him and plus he knows ll my secrets" rachel said

" you have secrets" sebastian said smiling at her

" doesnt everyone" rachel said

" as parents should there be secrets between us"sebastian asked

"im not telling my secrets"racgel said she couldnt help but giggle.

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