chapter twenty nine

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its two weeks later and rachel is now thirty weeks pregnant its saturday afternoon and she and sebastian are both at home rachel has enrolled in a pregnancy yoga class and is practicing in the living room while sebastian is sat eating a sandwich watching her.

" you know i never realised how truly flexible you are once th3 baby is here and your recovered from the birth i would very much like to explore that" sebastian said

" be quiet your distracting me" rachel said

" i sebastian smythe have never distracted anybody in my life" sebastian said

" sshh im concentrating " rachel hissed

" would you like a hand" sebastian asked

" oh its no use i cant focus with you in the room" rachel said giving up

" im sorry how about a back massage to make it up to you" sebastian asked

" that would be lovely" rachel said smiling at him

"great i have felt like a back rub for ages" sebastian said taking his tshirt off

"hey cheeky" rachel said as he moved up on the couch for her to sit down and he began rubbing her back.

"ooh" rachel said

" you like that" sebastian asked

"oh yes" rachel said

" but its not as good as the orgasim i gave you last night is it" sebastian said

" no plus you were quiet then" rachel said

" well i was raised not to talk with my mouth full" sebastian said

" god is that all you think about" rachel asked

" no i think of you doing stuff to me too" sebastian said

" honestly " rachel said as his fingers worked their magic on her aching back

" you know i could give you a full body massage" sebastian said

" think just the back massage will be fine i wouldnt want to over excite  you" rachel said

"if you turn round now you see its a little too late for that" sebastian said making her laugh.

" god i cant wait to get this baby out of me i feel like i have been pregnant forever" rachel said

" tell you what its saturday my parents are back in ohio for a few days your dads are back there too kurt and blaine have plans so there shouldn't be any interuptions. how about you go climb into bed and i nip to the store get us some ice cream and we can spend the rest of the day in bed" sebastian said

" oh i love you" rachel said turning round to kiss him

" is that a yes" sebastian asked

" yes" rachel said

"well go on then sexy bump" sebastian said rachel looked at him he had bedn tryi g several nicknames out over the past few days which included waddle chops, breasty boo, juicy berry and honey hump.

" so what do you think of that one" he asked

" its better than waddle chops for sure" rachel said

" i still think juicy berry is the best" sebastian said putting is jacket on

" melon" rachel said

"well i have been called worse" sebastian said

" no i need melon" rachel said

" from here it l8oks like you have two already" sebastian said before he left rachel walked to the bedroom and climbed into bed putting the tv on scanning the guide for what was on.

ten minutes later

sebastian was back he walked into the room and handed her a melon selection already pre chopped for her to eat he set the ice cream tubs on thw night stand promptly removed all his clothes.

" just in case you get the urge to have your way with me" sebastian said as he climbed in beside her.

" yeah yeah" rachel said as he snuggled up tp her

"im still excited" sebastian said

" yes i can feel that" rachel said as she scanned the tv still for something to watch.

"ooh the flash is on" rachel said

" im your super hero" sebastian pouted

" i know you are but that doesnt mean i dont enjoy the flash" rachel said

" i never got the point of it " sebastian said

" its great" rachel said

"i cant believe your bothered about a guy running about in a suit when im here naked" sebastian said

" tell you what if your good while i wat h it and eat my melon and mu icecream i might take care of you" rachel said

" define might" sebastian said

" okay i will take care of you" rachel said

" are we talking oral or the full bang" sebastian asked

" both its a double bill of the flash" rachel said

author notice

hi guys i know i havent updated this story fir a while i will start to update more often

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