chapter eight

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as rachel lay in her hospital bed hooked up to the drips blaine was sat next to her kurt was iscussing the fashions of celebrities in the magazine he wad reading. sebastian had gone home to get some things as he found out he could stay the night at the hospital.

sam amd noah were arm wrestling and making her luagh which was what she needed at that moment then sebastian returned.

"right then i think we should be off let you rest maria" blaine said kissing her forehead kurt did the same

" right then princess i will see you soon" noah said giving her a hug as sam did too then it was just her and sebastian.

" so i like noah"he said

"yeah he is a good friend"rachel said

" sam is nice too" sebastian said though rachel thought he was more tense as he spoke of him.

"he is sweet"rachel answered

"rachel i have being thinking and pleaee dont rush to answer me as i know at first your answer will be no but i think the more you think about it the more you will be likely to say yes" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

" i think you should move in with me i know by your face your reacting the way i thought you would but hear me out. you need to rest and the loft which has four people coming and going all the time with only curtains for privacy isnt great my apartment is two bedroom you would have a proper room with walls and complete privacy. plus the last thing you want is to get a virus or a bug and the loft seems to have a turnstyle of old mckinley students contantly coming and going whereas it would be just us at  my place. plus in a few weeks winter will be starnting and i dont recall seeing a radiater in the loft. plus i will be there to help you thoughout the pregnancy and ofcourse once the baby comes i can share the looking after him or her whereas at the loft you would be doing most of it. i have to be honest when i say i dont like coming to the loft i feel im judged all the time by kurt b0now naturally he will be welcome to co e to the apartment but thwts different he cant tell me to get out then. rachel i want to be there for my child no matter what people think of me. plus my building has a lift i mean how do you plan to get a stroller up to the loft" he said the whole time rachel had remained silent not really sure what to say.

" rach" he saod after she hadnt spoken

"i understand wherw your coming from i will be honest i have wondered how i would manage in the loft" rachel said

" yeah and just imagine this the baby is crying its three oclock in the morning now blai e would most likely me up with you making you a camomile tea but think about kurt screeched about his lack of beauty sleep.and im gonna be honest with you i know im not your friends fravorite guy and i dont want my child growing up thinking ill of me" he said with tears coming down his face.

" okay then" rachel said

" you mean you agree"he saod woth a smile on his face

" yeah though i think we should do it as a trial first" rachel said

" i understand that" he said and he hugged her


its the afternoon and rachel is bracing herself as she knows the guys are on their way and as she is hoping to be released this evening she has to tell them she is moving in with sebastian who was at college.

" hey diva" kurt said

" hey where is blaine" rachel said

" he is at the loft heloing to pack your things we had a visit from sebastian at lunch time he told us about the plan to move i to together" kurt said rachel didnt know he had told them

" dont be mad at him i think he hoped if we freaked out itwould be out of our systems by the time we saw you" kurt said seeing her face.

"your sticking up for him i thought you didnt like him" rachel asked

" look i will never be the best of friends with the guy but i have to admit he as seriously stepped up and im impressed he knew you were not right and now here you are been made better. he has told us he is gonna support you money wise meaning you can focus on  been healthy and he wants to take care of you and he wants to be a hands on dad. what can i say he reason i was having goes at him was because i thought he wasnt gonna he helping you but he is. plus i agree with him the loft will be cold in the winter and you will be more settled and ofcourse the baby will have both parents so that can only be a good thing" kurt said he smiled at her and they hugged for a long time.

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