Chapter 3

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Louis is standing to other side of door with a beautiful smile, he is handsome and charming with a beautiful lady with lovely smile, perfect eyes and flawless skin, but a boy with a lovely grin, accompanying them, lovely blue eyes, copper brown hairs, perfect lips and jaw line and what catch my eyes the most is his moles on neck, perfect body and a model height.

Niall's P.O.V.

We all head out of the car, Eleanor hands me her bouquet of flowers to hold which she bought for Harry. Louis rings the bell, a girl with brown hairs, gray eyes, pale and flawless skin, with lovely curvy body and full pink lips answers the door. Man, she Is beautiful, gorgeous and her smile is infectious.

 As Louis greets her "hey, Kath, how are you?"

Kath, means she is Harry's sister, that Kath, of whom he never gets tired to talk about, man really she worth those appraisals and talks. She greets Louis, her voice is so sweet, its so perfect and soothing for ears.


Tearing my eyes from him, "hey, Kath, how are you?" Louis greets and pulls me in a hug.

 "Hello, I m fine, you say?" I say in most polite way.

 "I'm fine, well meet my girlfriend Eleanor." He moves aside to introduce his girlfriend, extending her hand to shake.

 "Hey, I m Eleanor" she says in sweet voice, wow man she is perfect, pushing away my thoughts.

. "Hello, I m Kathie, Harry's sister" I say and Harry walks in, they exchange hii and hellos while, I stand aside enjoying my brother's amazing smile and the blue eyed boy, he too walks and hugs my brother. whose he? Well, I don't know.

 "come on in" my brother says, Louis and Eleanor walks inside with blue eyed boy.

 "hey, who are you and why are you in?" I walk in front of him blocking his way... he laughs.

 "well, Hii, I m Niall Horan" he says in lovely voice.

 "Well, I don't know any Niall, and why are you in?" Harry stands beside me laughing, so does Louis and Eleanor, "what?" I turn to Harry, with furrowed brow.

 "Oh, princess he is Niall, a member of boy band and my lad." embarrassed by my stupidity. i shrug and move aside.

"she is too cute, Harry" Eleanor says.

 "I-I am so sorry, I didn't know that you too is my brother's friend" i stutter.

 "well Its okay, apology accepted" he says smiling, I return back his smile.

After so much arguments we settle for 'The Notebook' with popcorn and coffee after a moment or so Niall stands, "mate can you please show me where's the restroom?.."

 "Oh Niall, you must control on your bladder,mate, you have just arrived!" Louis chirps, mockingly, I laugh at his bad-mouth.

 "It's the best part Niall, just hold on." Harry whines, I roll my eyes, my brother and his boring movies.

 "Here, let me show you." I stand and we both walk out of the living room.

 "So, you really didn't know about me, I mean, 1 direction?" he stutters. 

Turning, "no I really didn't know you, and I am sorry, for my behavior" I say.

 "Oh its fine, don't be sorry" he says, smiling. "It means you don't like 1d, I mean not a big fan of it? may be because we are not much famous yet." he purrs.

 "No I like 1d, but it's just, I m not a big fan, and I haven't paid much attention earlier." I say.

 "By the way, you are damn pretty and cute" he says, and I blush, at his compliment.

 "Thank you" I say and after he gets freshen up, we walk back to living room.

 Louis and Eleanor are cuddling on the couch, I sit next to Harry, Niall to the other couch, after an hour the movie reaches to its climax and a sound distracts us, we all turn to couch on which Louis and Eleanor are, I flush at the sight, they are kissing soundly, so lost in their  moment that they don't notice that they have became the center of attention.

 "You must get a room, guys" coughing, Harry says and smiles.

Louis finally pulls away leaving Eleanor panting for more or for air i don't know.

 "if you insist." Louis says, smirking and,before they continue their chats, I m on my feet to walk out, its so embarrassing, yeah they are in love and adults but still they can't kiss publicly.

 "I have homework's to finish, so I think I must leave" I say.

 "okay" Harry says and I hurry to my room.

After a moment the door of my room opens and closes, I am so busy with literature that I don't  bother to look who it is, it must be Harry but its Niall, instead.

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