Chapter 24

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"Do you like the food?" he asks after a pause.

"It's delicious." I reply, with smile, and continue, "by the way, don't you feel that this change of yours will be the upcoming rumor of the college, and it may decrease your fan following you know!" I say matter of factly, as he is the most famous guy of our college, most of the students love him, especially girls, may be for his good looks of course, and very few dislikes him.

"A man who wants to lead the orchestra, must turn his heads back on the crowd, babe." He smirks.

" okay, Well, it seems that you are huge fan of the band thing?"

"Of course I am, I mean, we play most of the bands for our college."


"What would you like for desserts?"

"No, I am full, so thanks, you can order for yourself."

"I think I am full too." He says, and asks the waiter for check.

The rest of the drive back to ice cream parlor was mostly quite. Niall jumps down from the hood of car, I walk out, Luke follows me, "thank god, you guys are back finally." He says groaning.

"Sorry man, and thanks for this." Luke says to him.

"Oh it's fine, anything for my beasty." He says, smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, let's meet at college, bye." He comes closer and pulls me in for a hug, taking me by surprise, I hug him back and before pulling back he places a kiss on my cheeks, making me blush.

"Bye, good night." I say, smiling.

"Yeah, good night."

"Once again, thank you man, and good night."

"Ohh, its fine, night." Niall says, smiling. he walks back to his car, and before climbing in he returns to us holding the bouquet of lilies In his hand, "I think you forgot them in the car."

"Oh thanks" I reply, taking the flowers.


"Bye" and walks back to his car,

"Kath I think he is gone." Niall, whispers in my ear.


"So..?... Are you waiting for him to turn around and blow you a kiss?" he murmurs.

"No, definitely not, I know that this is 21st century, and I am not waiting for his flying kiss, I am just, observing his ass." I say, he laughs at my words. I am much more relaxed now with him, I don't care for my words when i am with him, I enjoy his company.

" you are so beasty..." he whispers, in my ear, narrowing his eyes, making me laugh harder and he joins in, and before I climb in the car I toss the flowers in the trash. And get inside, laughing he turns to me.

"Why did you do that?"


"You threw those lilies which he brought for you."

"Uh... I don't like flowers, they are so overrated, first they impress you with their smell, then afterwards what's left, just a wilted and dead shit."

"So what do you like..?" he asks, raising his brows. scratches his chin, in deep thinking.

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