Chapter 18

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"Um it's amazing, Harry." Niall chimes, everyone, hushes him and Louis smacks his head making his head move forward, his nose dives in directly to his ice cream and everyone burst out laughing, he turns to Louis and smashes his rest of the ice cream to his nose, making us through our heads back and laugh harder, he looks, cute with ice creams all over his down face, Louis, smashes his to Liam's, who sticks out his tongue to Louis, Harry and Zayn are on their feet before anyone attacks them, but before Zayn could stand Louis holds him from his hands and pulls him on the couch back, and everyone including Harry hover him and when he lifts his head his complete handsome face is covered with different flavors of ice cream, I stand in the corner of the room enjoying the show, now they might turn to me or to Harry, as Harry stands, running to the corner, others cornering him, even I want to join him, to put ice cream on his face because for him being jerk to me, these last few days.

"No, please." Harry, pleads dramatically and covers his face with his arm, but poor him, everyone smashes their ice cream to his face including me, Niall turns to me and smiles wickedly, but before he catches me.

I run out to my room closing the door, only to have it stop in midway, he walks in with devilicious grin plastered to his face, "no, Niall please, lets not do it in this room." I whine, trying to convince him, but all in vain. Before, I can move away his hands move to waist and he pulls me to him and rolls the rest of the ice cream on my cheeks and everywhere, his blue eyes locks to my gray one, and they are pure oceanic blue, I haven't noticed how beautiful his eyes are, till now, they are as pure as water but a shade of blue, which I haven't seen before with depths of ocean. They are mesmerizing me completely, and he narrows his eyes, as if he can see through my soul, I immediately look away, catching his wrist to stop him as the ice cream is smearing down my chest.

"you know, you look beautiful when you laugh, don't you?" he looks at me smiling, I blush at his compliment and push him by his chest.

"I think you should leave, as I need to have a shower, and so do you." I say, grinning, It was fun, though. Suddenly his expression changes from smiling to serious.

"We are not over yet, Kath, you know that, you have to tell me what's inside your pretty mind, and pestering you."

With that he walks out, leaving me in horror of what and how to tell him. "Maybe I should tell him, may be he can suggest me something." Groaning, this is so frustrating. I walk to take a shower, after changing in my PJs, I walk to my closet to ready my clothes for tomorrow, how am I going to face him, after everything, thankfully, Niall didn't asked me again, soon I fall asleep.


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