Chapter 7

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oops, this chapter is quite long........but i hope you guys enjoy this, reading....

keep sending me your suggestions... i love you all.


Harry stands, abruptly and we both turn, following his gaze, Louis, Niall, Eleanor accompanied by two other boys they both are handsome as Louis and Niall, followed by two girls one with gray hairs and lovely smile and other with golden hairs and flawless skin and warm smile, are walking in our directions, the boys hug Harry and they all turn to mom, and arranging more chairs, we all sit, Niall walks toward me and sits in between me and Louis. 

"Hey" he says, with a warm smile.

 "Hello" i reply.

"Sup? How's my friend?"

"I'm fine, you say, by the way thank you for those amazing gift."

"Likewise, and will you stop thanking me, you really have poor memory, I have told you the golden rules of friendship, didn't i?"

"Yeah, sorry" and he narrows his eyes dramatically, and we both burst out laughing, seeking the attention of others.

 "I think, you guys are friend, now?" Harry says, smiling.

"by the way, meet, Zayn, Liam, Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend, Sophie, Liam's girlfriend" Harry introduces me to other members of the boy band.

 "hii, I am Kathie Styles" I say.

 "hello, we all know you very well, Harry never stops to talk about you, and finally we met." Zayn says, smiling.

 "Oh" I say.

 "by the way, you really worth, those appraisals" Liam says,

And we all had our foods with so many gossips. After our goodbyes they all stand to leave, "see you tomorrow, at gym" winking, Niall walks out following them.


Harry is unable to drive me to Gym, so he asked Niall to pick me. My phone buzzes, a text from Niall, telling that he is out in our parking lot, I hurry to his car, it's a black sleek Audi R8 with windows down as he sees me, he walks out of the car, he looks hot and handsome as usual in his gym suit and opens the passenger door for me, I smile at his gesture.

 "Morning" he says,

"Morning" I reply with smile and he pulls out on the road....

"Did I made you wait for long?" I ask, he turns to me.

"No and thank you for this!" I say.

 he frowns, "you really have a poor memory" he smirks.

"Ops, sorry" winking, I laugh. He dramatically rolls his eyes, and laugh...

"Kath, I still don't understand, you and reading!, I mean reading books, don't you think is quite boring, I mean it keeps us from those moments in which we can really have fun." He says.

"well, I don't think you are right and I don't know why you still don't understand me with books, well, appearances can be deceptive and secondly, they don't keep us from those moments in which we can really have fun, as reading itself is fun and it opens the door to a whole new world that you're missing out on today." I say, smiling.

"Okay, you say such amazing lines, don't you ever thought to write?"

"Well, yes, I would love to, and my biggest dream is to become an author someday, plus, you can write only if you feel, otherwise it's just a load of crap manipulating your disposition to something you are clearly not." I say, matter of factly.

"And what about LU plan, and literature side?" he asks, raising his brows.

"Yeah it's, with literature side of course."

"Great, than you are in the right direction." He says, smiling.

"Yeah. It feels good to be lost in the right direction." I say, matter of factly.

"Do you believe in dreams?" he asks

"Of course, I mean who don't?" I ask frowning.

"Yeah, but every dreams doesn't come true." He says, frowning.

"it does, they all need is our efforts and trust in ourselves to make them true, they are not what you leave behind in the daylight, even every morning comes for you to give yourself a second chance."

"Okay, you really talk like my mom" he says smiling.

"Then, I would love to meet her."

" surely I'll take you to her, someday." His expression changes to something so sad, he looks vulnerable.

 "Niall, are you okay?" I ask, by sudden change in his demeanor.

"I am fine." Shaking his thoughts, something is there behind his eyes, which he is trying hard to hide, but his eyes are saying, pulling in the parking lot, we both move inside.

"You haven't told me about your family?" I turn to him.

"There's nothing to tell you about." He snaps, I am taken off guard by his sudden change in behavior.

"I'm s-sorry" I stutter. 

Exhaling, "look, I m sorry for being a jerk, it's just, I don't want to talk about my family." Raking his hands through hairs, he continues jogging.

"By the way, our tour is starting soon. Wanna join us?" he asks.

"um... i think i should stay here as mom is here and i don't want to leave her."

"Which is your favorite place?"

"Um, I haven't left London"

"You want to?"

"Of course, I don't want to be stuck in one place my whole life, I want to make memories all around the world" I say, he smiles.

"Sounds great"

"I know I'm acting stupid, but two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." I say and burst out laughing, he joins me.

"Will you ever let me drive your car? I mean, you can teach me driving, you know" I ask

"Of course, I would love too, unless you wreck it.

We continue our gossips, I love his company a lot, even Eve too enjoys when I tell her about him, and the drive seems short, while our talks are endless. After our farewell, he leaves, and I walk in to get ready for school.


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