Chapter 2: Patching In

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I had well and truly fucked myself again. 

It was bad enough that every charter knew what I had done back in Arizona, now I had gone behind my Prez's back to help his practically adopted daughter. If Cash or Mick found out about this, I'd be on even thinner ice than when I transferred here.

But fuck if Ronnie wasn't hot, even with my hoodie covering her sexy little dress.

As long as I got her home and kept my mouth shut, there was no reason any of the guys would have to find about this.

"This is a one-time favour," I warned, "I can't be going behind Cash's back with his girl."

Ronnie frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not his girl. We haven't been together in months and we were never serious anyway."

I scoffed. "That doesn't matter and you know it."

Just because Cash never made Ronnie his old lady, doesn't mean there was no claim on her. Ronnie wasn't just a girl Cash fucked a few times. She had meant something to him and that made her his, period.  Brothers never went behind each other's backs with their women, especially when the brother in question was my new VP.

"Whatever," she groaned. "Take me home, please."

I nodded and gestured towards my bike. Ronnie took a few steps and I couldn't help but notice the way she stumbled in her sexy heels.

I'd enjoy fucking her with nothing but those shoes on. 

"Are you drunk?" I asked when she nearly fell over.

She chuckled as she gained her balance and steadied herself with the help of my bike.

"Slightly," she shrugged.

"Fuck," I groaned.

I knew from past experience, it was never a good idea to put a drunk girl on the back of a bike. Although Ronnie was quite coherent and probably only buzzed, I had already fucked up by coming here and I didn't need anything else to happen.

"Let's go get some food while you sober up," I said, gesturing to the twenty-four-hour diner across the street.

Ronnie shook her head. "I'm fine. I just wanna get home."

"Well, I wanna keep my dick, and Mick and Cash will cut it off if for some reason I don't get you back in one piece. So let's go grab some food."

She let out a groan but didn't fight me when I led her towards the street. As we walked across the road and toward the diner, I couldn't help but admire her plump ass as she walked in front of me. I definitely knew what Cash saw in her, she was a knockout. I wasn't usually into blondes, but something about her had me wishing that she was just some random girl I could take home tonight.

We settled into a booth and I couldn't help but take in every inch of her as I sat across the table. In the few times she had been around the clubhouse or when I had seen her working at the bar, I tried not to notice just how hot she was. She caught my attention from the moment I first saw her tending bar at Black's, but Bear quickly filled me in on who she was connected to, making her off limits. Sill, I couldn't help but think about how sweet she must taste and how annoyed I was that she would always be Cash's for the taking.  I usually tried to keep my distance altogether, but sitting here after practically coming to her rescue, with her wearing my sweatshirt— something about it all had me liking the fact that she called me over any of the other guys.

"What'll it be?" a middle-aged waitress asked impatiently, pulling a notepad and pen from her apron as she approached our table. The diner was pretty busy for almost two in the morning, and it was obvious that the waitress was in a rush to take care of all her tables.

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