Chapter 35: Nothing Happened

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Hi everybody! I hope you all enjoy this weeks chapter. As usual, I want to thank you all for reading and showing me constant love and support. Be sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter and happy reading ;)

Song for this Chapter: Dive by Ed Sheeran


Weeks had passed and still no Rigs. Although I knew Knox wasn't telling me everything, I knew enough to know that every lead they got was quickly shut down. He was nowhere to be found. It was like he disappeared into thin air or something. He made no moves to contact Nora or to try and get her or the boys back, which surprised everyone. For a man as controlling as Rigs, he let go of his wife and kids pretty easily.

Nora and her sons had been staying with me, and although my apartment was crammed with all four of us, they were all beginning to grow on me. Nora had come out of her shell in the last couple of weeks and without Rigs holding her down, it was like she was a completely different person. Once I began to get to know the real Nora, I came to realize that she was actually pretty amazing, and both Lucas and Ethan had stolen my heart from the moment I laid eyes on them. Sure Ethan's middle of the night crying woke me up nearly every night, but I couldn't get mad at him when he flashed his gummy little smile.

I also didn't mind that Knox used it as an excuse to get me to stay at his place half the time.

I liked that part of having a full house.

Although no one else in the Tribe had found out about us, we kept our promise to be us behind closed doors. I still didn't know what exactly we were doing, but I couldn't so easily walk away like I had last time, not when my feelings for him had grown this strong. It was different now between us. I didn't know how to explain it, but it was more than just sex. At least for me, it was. I wasn't exactly sure if Knox reciprocated my same feelings, but I knew I would be better off not pushing it while we were still trying to lay low.

Despite this, I couldn't help but feel upset at the fact that we were still forced to keep things a secret. I knew why Knox wanted to do it this way, but I couldn't help the frustration I felt because of it. As of late, all of this was beginning to make me feel like I was going crazy. One second I was completely happy and willing to sneak around for however long it took, as long is it meant I still got to be with him, the next I was crying because all I wanted was to be able to figure this all out like a normal couple. It was safe to say I was having some serious mood swings lately, but with everything that had happened in the last couple of months, I was surprised I was doing as well as I had.

At least I thought so.

Nora, on the other hand, didn't seem to agree. She said I should keep pushing Knox because he was too stubborn to make the right choice himself, but I just couldn't bring myself to give him that kind of ultimatum again. It didn't work in my favor the first time, and I didn't think I could take being shut down for his club again. When I wasn't over analyzing it all, Knox and I enjoyed our moments together, even though no one else knew about them. I just had to hold on to that, especially on nights like these.

There was a party going on at the clubhouse, and while I was always invited, I could no longer stomach the sight of the Hellcats falling all over Knox, since just seeing it was enough to make me jealous.

Luckily, I had my best friend, and Nora keeping me busy while I stayed away, but it wasn't enough to stop me from thinking about what Knox was doing at the clubhouse while the three of us stuffed our faces with snacks.

"You're doing it again," Raegan said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Doing what?" I whispered since both, Ethan and Lucas were sleeping on the blow-up mattress just beside us.

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