Chapter 25: Desperate

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Song for this chapter: Let It Go by James Bay


Days had passed since my ill-advised trip to the clubhouse and I was making every effort to avoid Knox completely. I filled my days by picking up extra shifts at the diner and avoided Black's at all costs. Luckily, Loraine was willing to take my shifts for the next little while when I told her I really needed the tips from the diner. Billy was disappointed, but he knew that I actually did need the money and Black's hadn't picked up enough to suffice. Winter was fast approaching and I needed my car fixed as soon as possible. I had almost saved enough to take the old piece of junk into the shop, but these next few shifts at the diner were crucial for topping up the fund.

I had just finished clearing the tables from the breakfast rush when I saw the familiar green-eyed, tattooed biker sit down in my section.

Knox and I hadn't spoken since the night he showed up at my apartment, and I was hoping to keep it that way. He tried to call a couple times, but I ignored it. Although I promised Nora I would tell him she was looking to talk to him, I figured I didn't owe that bitch any favors. Besides, I was sure Knox knew that Rigs and her were in town by now, and I didn't need any reason to talk to him. I was hoping he would get the message and begin to avoid me too, but clearly, nothing could come that easy for me. I considered heading to the back and pretending I didn't see him staring at me, but knowing Knox, he would follow me. And that was the fucking last thing I needed.

I decided I had to face him sooner or later, so I walked over to the table as he kept his gaze fixated on me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, peering around to make sure none of the other guys were around. When I confirmed that he was alone, I crossed my arms over my chest, not bothering to hide the bite in my tone.

I had grown too used to pretending that Knox and I hardly knew each other in public, but no one was around who wasn't supposed to know about us. That meant I didn't have to hide the fact that I was about to bitch him the fuck out.

"Hey, Sweets," Knox began, peering up at me with the ghost of a smile on his lips.

That was so like him.

He would show up here all smiley and shit like nothing had happened.

Who did he think I was, a damn Hellcat who would let him walk all over me and then say thank you after he'd done it? Fuck no.

I scoffed. "Look, I don't know what game you're trying to play, but I'm busy and not in the mood."

Avoiding him seemed like something I should have done months ago. Had I not let my stupid attraction for him take over the sensible part of my brain, I probably wouldn't have found myself in this situation.

Stupid Vagina. I let her do the thinking for much too long.

Tweaker was right to warn us. Although I found his concern annoying at first, I understood why he took on the role of Knox's personal cock-blocker. He recognized before both of us that being together came with much too many complications.

"No games," Knox said. "I've been trying to apologize for the other night, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're avoiding me."

"Smart guy," I mocked, clearing the table next to his.

Knox fought a smile as I caught him taking in my ass in this stupid waitress uniform. It was very unlike the outfits I wore at Black's, but it was slutty all the same.

"I mean it," he said. "I'm sorry."

"For which part, exactly?" I fired back, holding an arm to my hip.

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