Chapter 30: Dead Man

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Hey everyone!! Sorry for keeping you waiting a little longer than usual for this update! I've been on a mini vacation for the last few days and hadn't had a chance to update. But here it is! I hope you all enjoy!!!

Song for this chapter: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz  


Laying in bed with Ronnie was the only thing keeping me from going to kill Rigs with my bare hands. If she hadn't calmed me down, there was no doubt in my mind that I'd be at the clubhouse with Rigs' blood on my hands. Thankfully, being with Ronnie again was enough of a distraction for now, but Nora's revelation was too big to forget for long.

Rigs killed Doc.

Rigs hurt his wife and kids.

Rigs was a dead man.

The only thing still keeping me from doing it was the fact that Ronnie was asleep in my arms. After round two and three, we were both pretty exhausted, and Ronnie had passed out almost an hour ago. I couldn't bring myself to leave her, mostly because I worried this would be the last time we'd be together like this. It had already taken convincing to even let me kiss her earlier today, and I wasn't about to dip out early when I was surprised she'd even let things go this far. But the longer she slept, and the longer I had to think about it, the harder it became to lay here with Ronnie over confronting Rigs.

I slid Ronnie's head off of my chest and laid it softly on her pillow. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up as I walked over to the bathroom, careful not to make much noise as I shut the door behind me. After going at it for hours, I was in desperate need of a shower, and I figured it would keep me calm for at least a little longer.

The hot water felt nice on my skin but being alone with my thoughts was only tempting me more and more to go after Rigs. Although I was forcing myself to stay away from the clubhouse in order to keep Nora and her kids safe, I knew I would have to face him eventually, and I didn't know if I could keep this act up. Just the thought of being in the same room with that piece of shit was enough to make my blood boil. I actually felt my heart rate quicken with anticipation of all the things I would do to hurt him when I finally got my chance. By that time, it wouldn't just be for me, or for Nora, it would be for Doc too.

How did I not realize Rigs had killed Doc?

I lived in Arizona at the time, and I was Doc's sergeant-at-arms for fuck's sake, and yet, I'd somehow let this major detail go over my head. Doc was killed in a bike accident, and we had been assured that the other driver had died too. Now thinking back on it, it would have way too easy for Rigs to have caused the accident and make it look like the other car was the one who hit Doc. The road was secluded, not much traffic or even cameras, but Doc loved to take it because of all the steep hills, and everyone knew that. I wanted to punch myself for being so fucking stupid to have missed it. Although nothing had happened between me and Rigs before Doc died, it made sense since he was the person who had the most to gain from Doc's death.

I felt my hands ball into fists as the anger I had within me came to a head. I needed to hit something, so I knocked a shampoo bottle hanging on the rack straight to the ground, pulling the shower curtain back with it. I watched it land right at Ronnie's feet as she now stood before me. Ronnie staggered back just slightly, staring down at the bottle now laying on the tile.

"Sorry," I grunted. "And I'll pay for the lamp by the way," I added, remembering how I had hit that to the ground also.

Ronnie waved me off, wrapping her arms around her naked body. "Don't worry about it. Wasn't worth much anyways."

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