Chapter 18: Setting a Trap

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Surprise!!!! Two updates in two days. I thought editing and uploading another chapter would be a great way to avoid the studying I should be doing. Either way, I hope you all enjoy! Give this chapter a vote and comment if you liked it and thank you all for almost 1.5k!! Wow.


Having to drop Ronnie off at home really pissed me off. Especially since I hadn't fucked her in over a week and just when I was about to get my chance, Tweaker called and ruined it all. It was almost as if he had a sixth sense for cock-blocking. Despite my unwillingness, Tweaker said that shit was going down from within the Arizona charter and I was needed at the clubhouse A.S.A.P. The fact that it involved my previous charter made me more uneasy and reluctant to head over, but I wasn't given much of a choice.

Things didn't end well for me at my last charter, and I wasn't looking forward to seeing any of my Arizona brothers —especially my ex-president. After being kicked out for no good fucking reason, I held a lot of resentment for every member of that charter. Despite this, once I dropped Ronnie off at her apartment, I sped over to the clubhouse on my bike, only to see a bunch of bikes parked in the lot that weren't usually there.

I walked into the clubhouse only to find it filled to the brim with men from multiple different charters, a couple from my ex-charter among the crowd. I dodged the few I recognized and headed straight over to Cash and Mick to see what the fuck was going on. Not all of our guys were here, but most of them were standing by Cash and Mick as I approached them.

"Hey," I began, pushing my way through the crowd of men. "What the fuck is happening?" I asked.

Cash let out a frustrated groan. "After finding out about Donnie, we told all of the charter presidents to keep an eye out for any other drivers who might be doing the same."

"And?" I pressed.

"And Arizona, Colorado, and Idaho found missing shit," Mick interjected.

"Fuck," I let out. That was nearly every one of the Hell's Tribe charters, leaving only Wyoming clear of this shit. It was strange that the only charter left untouched was the one that was under scrutiny a few months ago, but the fact that most of our charters had a breach in our fragile trust system was more important.

"Donnie must have had a crew of drivers working together covering each state. We're holdin' a meeting to figure out how to draw them out now that they know we're on to em'," Mick added angrily.

If Donnie was working with other drivers, they had certainly heard by now that he got picked up and that we were on to his scheme. This meant that the rest of them would either be smart enough to cut off the arrangement while things were hot or be stupid enough to continue when they knew we would be looking out for them. My guess was the latter, because fuckers like them tended to get greedy, and they wouldn't let Donnie getting caught ruin it for the rest of them. They would keep business running, but try and be extra sneaky about it. I had no doubt that if they went that route, we would figure out who was skimming from the Tribe's product and selling it on their own.

Considering the fact that it involved four charters including our own, it was no wonder the clubhouse was so full. We had the 4 highest-ranking men from 3 charters, including almost every member of our charter crammed into the clubhouse's limited space. Surprisingly, I didn't see Rigs, my ex-president among the bunch, but that was no loss to me or anyone for that matter.

Bear let out a piercing whistle, quieting the crowd of raging men. "Listen up!" he called, making space for Mick to step forward and address us all.

It was evident on Mick's face that he was more pissed off than usual. He looked like he was ready to blow the head off the next man who tested his patience even a little bit. Despite this, he stood up tall in front of the room full of men and remained calm as he began to speak.

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