Chapter 12: Guns & Lives

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I just get too excited to wait for a whole week to update. So here is the next chapter! Let me know what you guys think and please vote!!!!


I knew this was fucked up. I knew that once I got distance from Ronnie, I would probably regret doing this. But shit, right now, all I knew was that this felt good. It felt right.

The way her ass felt in my hands and her legs wrapped tightly around my waist was enough to have me sporting a semi-hard. In that moment, I didn't regret this one fucking bit.

I was practically ready to eat her up, and I was right to the think she tasted as sweet as sugar.

I swallowed her moan with my lips and squeezed in a full handful of her tight ass. I held her face tightly within my other hand and pressed her mouth hard against mine. I was so consumed by her that I didn't even hear the side door open. But I did hear a voice when I was just about to slip my hand under her shirt.

"The fuck is this?" Tweaker's voice rang loudly from just left of us.

We both instantly shot apart at the sound of his voice. I nearly dropped Ronnie on the ground from being so caught off guard, but luckily she managed to land on her feet. I wiped my mouth clean of our kiss and looked back at Tweaker with uncertainty.

The look on his face was not a good one.


"Tweak," I began, taking a hesitant step forward.

He took a large step back and looked from me to Ronnie. When I looked back at her, she looked even more lost for words than I was as she attempted to right her displaced shirt.

"No," he said, holding up his hand. "I warned you about this shit, man. If it had been anyone else out here it would be ending a hell of a lot different."

"I kno-" I began, but he cut me off before I could even try to explain.

Not that I had much of an explanation other than that she was hot as fuck and wanting her for weeks had nearly killed me.

"I'm gonna go back inside and pretend I didn't see nothing. But I warned you once and now I'm warning you both. This shit can't fuckin' happen. End it. Now," he demanded.

We both nodded and stayed silent when he shook his head disapprovingly as he headed back inside.

I didn't like that he caught us, but I didn't care much either.

Ronnie was almost addicting in the sense that all I cared about after tasting her for the first time was when I would get my next taste. Consequences be fucking damned. I didn't forget that I had been warned, or how much of a close eye Cash kept on me when it came to Ronnie already, I just couldn't help myself anymore.

At least for now.

I was so consumed with the feeling of Ronnie under me, I don't think I would have given a shit if Cash had come out here and caught us himself. The sensible part of me knew that would be a very bad situation and I wanted so bad to just ignore what Tweaker said, but I knew I couldn't, especially when I saw the look on Ronnie's face.

She was panicked and almost dazed. It was as if she didn't believe that had actually just happened, and hell, I wasn't sure I believed it yet either. I'd been dying to have my way with her for weeks now, and the first time I make a move, we get caught doing it.

Fuck me. I had some bad luck.

"Don't worry about him, Sweets," I assured. "He won't say anything to Cash."

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