Chapter 27: Storm

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Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all enjoy the new chapter but I have a feeling that the next chapter may have the answers you've all been waiting for !! ;)

Song for this chapter: A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope


I went back and forth on whether I was actually gonna tell Knox about Nora. But, after contemplating it for the remainder of my shift, I decided that no matter what Nora did in the past, I made a promise to her that I would pass on the message. What Knox chose to do with the information was up to him, but I didn't need a guilty conscience. I thought about just calling him and telling him what Nora had said over the phone, but after the display I put on in the diner, I doubted he'd even answer my call. I also wondered if texting would be enough to get the job done without me having to see him at all, but I wouldn't feel I had lived up to my promise unless I knew he'd heard what she had to say. That left me with only one option... showing up at the clubhouse again.

Thankfully the storm had stopped for the majority of my walk to to the clubhouse, but it had just started spitting again when I got to the gate where Bucky was standing on guard. I felt nervous as I approached because of how things went down last time he let me in.

"Hey, Bucky," I greeted, my tone way nicer than it needed to be.

Bucky looked at me questionably as he let out a puff of smoke from his cigarette. "Ronnie," he greeted, already opening up the gate for me.

I stepped inside the compound as Bucky closed the gate behind me and wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm. These walks around town were becoming more of a pain in the ass ever since the weather had cooled down, and since it began to get dark much faster. I was counting down the days until I had enough money to bring my car in and I could finally stop walking my ass everywhere.

"You here for Knox? Or was it Mick?" Bucky asked, teasingly.

I bit my lip nervously, not knowing if he really expected an answer or not. Although Bucky was still a prospect and held little power, he was still intimidating as fuck. Standing tall at over six feet, Bucky towered over me and had arms big enough to get even the toughest of guys to back down. I knew he would never hurt me in theory, but it didn't stop me from taking a step back as he locked the gate back up.

Bucky seemed to notice my hesitance and he held his hands up in defense with a soft smile. "Hey," he said. "I'm just messing with you. Go on in."

I smiled and let out a breath. "Thanks," I said, heading into the warmth without another word.

The clubhouse was pretty empty at this time of night, but I strolled in anyways, keeping an eye out for Knox. Thankfully Nora and the girls weren't around, but Rigs was sitting across the bar with Hawg. Ace and Ricky were sitting at the bar and both waved me over as I stepped further inside.

"Two times in the last week?" Ricky asked. "You must really be desperate for company," he teased.

I chuckled because it was really odd for me to be at the clubhouse as much as I had lately.

"I pass by here on my walk home, and the rain is picking up again so I figured I'd wait it out here," I shrugged.

I was proud of how realistic that sounded, but  I couldn't hide my wandering eyes as I looked out for Knox. 

He wasn't here.

Ace nodded. "Good plan. I heard this storms gonna be brutal. It's like some hurricane shit out there."

"It was coming down hard a couple of hours ago," I agreed. "Didn't feel like getting stuck in the rain."

"Joanie and the girls took Nora into the city, and no one else is really around, but you're welcome to hang here until it calms down," Ricky assured, patting me on the shoulder.

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