Chapter 40: Forever

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This is the last chapter and I am so happy but sad all at the same time. Thank you all for your continued support and I really hoped you enjoyed reading Slow Ride as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please let me know what you think by commenting and voting. Love you all.


Songs for this chapter: Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y., Florida Georgia Line - Grow Old, Kodaline - The One


I hadn't been able to stop staring at Ronnie since we'd gotten back to my place. Not only was I feeling guilty for how banged up her face was, I was in awe of how beautiful she looked despite it. Another part of me couldn't tear my eyes away because I was worried if I blinked, she'd be gone. Hell—I wouldn't blame her if she bailed on me, I deserved it, but nothing made me happier than knowing she loved me too.

I wasn't sure when my infatuation with her turned into love, but I was sure every time I looked her, every time I imagined her with our kid, and every time I even fathomed a life without her, I was head over fucking heels in love.

We'd gotten home hours ago, and after eating and taking a much-deserved shower, Ronnie was fast asleep next to me. I was exhausted myself, and desperately needing sleep, but I couldn't bear the thought of missing this moment. After not knowing if either one of us was coming home alive a few hours ago, the simplest idea of watching her sleep felt like a dream come true.

Ronnie stirred in her sleep, and I smiled at the way she crinkled her nose. I placed my hand on her belly and rubbed little circles with my fingers. I was scared shitless when she told me we were having a kid, but after hearing its heartbeat, I knew I loved it just as much as I loved its mom. I couldn't wait until we found out what we were having. A boy sounded great, but the idea of a little girl running around with Ronnie's blonde hair and blue eyes seemed even better. I'd be happy either way, I just couldn't wait until we finally got to meet them.

I leaned down and placed a soft kiss just bellow Ronnie's belly button and she smiled as her eyes cracked open.

"Hey, sleepyhead," I greeted, giving her a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Hi," she murmured.

Ronnie rubbed her eyes clear of sleep and turned on her side to face me. She stared at me intently without saying a word and brushed her hand across my cheek. I then took her hand and kissed the inside of her palm and up her forearm. Ronnie let out a little giggle and wrapped her arm around my torso as she placed her head on my bare chest.

She was silent for a few moments, mindlessly tracing the ink on my chest with her finger. She did this often, and I learned that it usually came while she was formulating a question.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in closer so I could kiss the top of her head. "What are you thinking about?" I asked.

Ronnie sighed but didn't answer.

"Sweets?" I pressed.

She turned to look up at me and her mood seemed to change from sleepy and happy— to pensive and serious.

"Did you mean what you said before?" she asked, biting her lip.

I let out a breath. "Sweets," I began. "I told you I didn't mean any of that. You took me by complete fucking surprise and I—"

"No," she interrupted. "Not that."

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion and Ronnie rolled her eyes.

"What you said at the hospital," she elaborated. "Do you really want me and this baby? Cos if you don't, Knox, I'd rather just know that now."

I chuckled and Ronnie frowned. She moved to push herself off of my chest, but I pulled her back, not letting her escape my embrace.

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