Chapter 24: Nothing to Say

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Song for this chapter: Let Her Go by Passenger


Having the annoying sound of my phone wake me up before the sun even came up was bad enough, but the pounding headache it had ensued was worse. I had only slept for a few hours when Cash's voice on the other end of the call shot me awake. I was pretty sure I was still drunk as I spoke to him, but he insisted that I was to meet him at the diner Ronnie worked at immediately. I had no idea what this was about, or why it was so fucking important that I meet him at the ass crack of fucking dawn, but I somehow got my body to cooperate and got to my feet by some miracle. I was defiantly still drunk and didn't have my truck at Ronnie's anyway, so I was stuck walking the distance to the diner, which was luckily was not nearly as far as the clubhouse.

I stepped inside the warmth of the diner, surprised to find it as busy as it was for just past six in the morning. I spotted Cash almost instantly in a corner booth and ducked my way around the morning rush to reach him. I plopped down across from him, thankful that at the very least, I could get coffee out of this. Cash scoffed as he took in my appearance and his face twisted when I let out a breath.

"You look like shit," he announced. "Smell like it too," he said, waving his hand in front of him.

I had thrown up multiple times in the last twelve hours and had yet to brush my teeth. Not to mention I was sweaty from walking all the way fucking here from Ronnie's apartment. But he couldn't know that.

"Sorry," I said, taking the menu he had set in front of him for myself. "Got wasted and spent the night at some chick's house. Didn't have anything to brush my teeth with and Tweaker took my truck."

"Jesus Christ," Cash said. "Smells like something fucking died in your mouth."

I rolled my eyes. "It's six in the morning and I'm still fucking wasted. You're lucky I'm even here right now. What's so god damn important?" I asked, dragging his coffee mug over to me and taking a huge gulp.

Cash pulled his mug from my mouth making some coffee spill down the front of my shirt, but at this point, I couldn't look worse.

Setting his mug back down in front of him, Cash let out a breath. "Look," he began. "I hate that I'm the one who has to tell you this, but it has to be done."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Who died?" I asked.

Cash fumbled with his mug for a few moments before he finally looked back up at me.

This couldn't be about Ronnie, could it?

As far as I knew, the only people who knew about us were Tweaker and Raegan and I trusted that neither one of them would have said anything. Unless Tweaker wasn't as loyal to me as I thought he was. If he had gone back to Cash last night after what happened with me and Ronnie, I could very well be getting kicked out of my club right now.

"Rigs is coming into town," Cash revealed.

I let out a breath, relieved this wasn't about Ronnie until his words actually sunk in.

"Rigs?" I asked bitterly.

Cash nodded.

"What fucking for?" I seethed.

"With all the shit going on with the drivers, we encouraged any members with information to speak directly to me or Mick. Rigs missed the meeting and called us up with some information," Cash explained.

"So, what?" I asked. "He's never heard of a fucking cellphone?"

Cash shook his head. "We don't know who's behind this or if they could be listening. We told Rig's it'd be best for everyone if he could come down here himself."

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