Chapter 10: Witch-hunt

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Hello all and welcome to the early update!!! I'm so excited because I just finished planning the last few chapters of this book and I'm in love with this story! As of now, the story will have 40 chapters plus an epilogue and I have just written chapter 33 today! That being said, since the rest of the book is mostly written, I may be inclined to update early IF we get to at least ten votes and ten comments before the next update is due. So please, if you enjoyed this chapter and are too excited for the next one to wait, vote and comment so we can get out an early update!!!


The sound of Mick's gavel slamming down on the table somehow portrayed the anger we were all feeling.

The room was tense and all you had to do was look at the faces of the men sitting at the table to know it. Being attacked made us uneasy and I was already prepared for the forty-eight-hour witch-hunt to begin. Some of our own were put at risk tonight, and that would not be taken lightly. A threat to the people we loved was more personal than a hit on us. A member of the Tribe signs up for this kind of risk, but innocent women did not. That meant that we needed to eliminate the threat before it hurt anyone else.

"Alright," Mick began. "Someone tell me what the fuck happened."

It was silent for a few moments, no one knowing where to start. It all happened so fast, the events that occurred only a couple of hours ago hadn't even sunk in yet.

Me and Bucky escaped with the girls before the cops came, but the other guys weren't as lucky. They were questioned and expected to have a story together for further questioning tomorrow. They were lucky that they used tonight's events as an excuse to get out of there quickly, but they still had to answer to the cops later on. They'd only just got back a few minutes ago and we were already rushed into church to figure all this shit out.

"We were all just sitting around when the shots went off," Cash began. "By the time we got out front, they were already speeding off. Didn't see much," he shrugged.

"They wearing colors?" Mick asked.

I tried to think back on the quick glance I had gotten when I got outside, but it was all to obscure to pick up on any details. The only thing I could remember was that the shooters were stood in a truck, but it was too dark to even identify the color of it- which didn't leave us with much to go on.

"The surveillance tapes show a black pickup truck with four shooters standing in the trunk. They were all wearing masks, not flashing colors and we couldn't get a shot of the driver," Mack interjected.

"Dammit," Mick cursed, slamming his hands down in frustration. "How did none of you shitheads see anything?"

"We were all at the booth," Tweaker explained. "We were out there within a few seconds, man."

It was true. It was only a matter of a minute before we all had our guns drawn and we were ready for some fire play, but we weren't quick enough. We were lucky that none of the old ladies got hurt, because if that had happened, Mick would expect all our dicks chopped off on a platter. Even my first instinct after we realized what happened was to find Ronnie and make sure she was okay, but I had a feeling that had more to do with my attraction to her rather than my concern for all the girl's safety.

In any case, seeing her cut up like that pissed me the fuck off and I wanted to find the bastards who did this more than I would admit. "You catch a plate on the tapes?" I asked Mack.

"Partial," he replied. "Only the first two letters."

I groaned at yet another dead end when an idea sparked. "Try cross-matching it with the make and model of the truck. Maybe it'll be enough to limit our list," I shrugged.

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