Chapter 36: I Fucked Up

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Y'all called it ;)

I hope you enjoy! Waiting to post this until today was nearly killing me.

Song for this chapter: 3 Doors Down - Here Without You


With everything going on lately, focusing on trying to find Rigs was the only thing keeping me going. Ronnie and I were a mess, and she wanted space—whatever the fuck that meant. The only thing that kept my mind busy was the next lead that could potentially end this all.

I knew Rigs, and I knew he wouldn't actually give up this easy. By now he had to have figured out that Nora was on our side and was the one who exposed his ass in the first place, meaning he not only felt angry but betrayed by a wife who didn't even try and call him after he'd taken off into the wind. That had to piss him off, and when Rigs was pissed off he didn't get over it, he got even. That meant he wouldn't just disappear without trying to get his wife and kids back.

He would come looking for Nora and the boys someday, and I preferred to find him before that day came. So I had spent the last few weeks tirelessly checking every lead we got, but nothing had panned out until my phone rang early in the morning from a Wisconsin area code.

"Yeah?" I asked, into the receiver.

"Knox?" A familiar voice said. "It's Erin."

Although Tweaker and I had been checking in on her, nothing ever came of it, and I doubted she would ever call even after we'd threatened her. So it was safe to say that I was surprised by her call.

"You have information for me?" I asked. "It's too early for bullshit."

I could hear the panic through Erin's heavy breathing. "He called me this morning. You were my first call after, I swear," she promised.

"Alright," I interrupted, not caring to hear her defence. "What'd he want?" I asked.

"Said he needed me to collect the last of the cash from the P.O. box," Erin informed.

"That's it?" I questioned. "He say where he was, or what he was planning?"

"Nothing on where he was, or how he planned on picking up with the cash" Erin squeaked. "But he did say that he was getting Nora back, and he sounded really out of it. I don't know what he's on, but I'd be careful."

"Any idea on how he plans to do that?" I wondered, knowing any details would help catch him before he even got close to Nora.

"No," Erin admitted. "But wherever she is, she's not safe. He's coming for her and he won't give up until he finds her and the boys."

Rigs coming after her meant one thing, he was coming back to Tooele and no one was safe when he was in this state of mind. Nora and her boys weren't safe, and neither was anyone who helped them.

That left only one option.

"Got it," I said. "Call if you find out anything else."

"I will," Erin promised.

Mick was my next call as soon as I hung up with Erin.

"This better be good," Mick answered, holding in a yawn. It was just past eight a.m and definitely too early for both of us.

"It is," I confirmed. "I think Rigs is finally coming back to town."

Mick let out a breath. "Why do you say that?" he questioned. "He'd be pretty fucking stupid to come back here when we haven't found even a trace of him in weeks."

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