Chapter 13: Understand?

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Lockdown had gone on for three days since the shooting, and I was about ready to lose my fucking shit before it was finally called off. I wasn't filled in on anything that was going on and was left completely in the dark. Cash had warned me to stay out of it the few times I asked, but that was mostly to do with the fact that he was still pissed that I managed to get Mack to take me to the hospital while he was gone. I was only able to see Loraine conscious for half an hour before Cash was calling and forcing me back to the clubhouse, which really pissed me off. My friend got shot before my eyes and was bleeding in my hands, and I had barely seen her. I was told Ace had been right by her side since it happened, which must have been true since I hadn't seen him come by the clubhouse, but he wasn't the most loving person to have around when you've just been shot. I was dying to visit Loraine and to get out of the cardboard box that the clubhouse had begun to feel like. The old ladies were driving me insane, and just seeing Knox was enough to send me into hiding in one of the bedrooms. That was saying a lot considering the condition of the one I had been staying in. Apparently, it was one of the cleaner ones too.

Either way, when Mick had finally cleared us all to leave, it didn't come a moment too fucking soon. I was told to still be careful and call if I thought I was being followed, but I begged for a ride to the hospital before I even had a chance of being alone.

I was still surprised to see that Ace was standing outside of Rain's door when I got there, wearing basically the same clothes and looking like he hadn't showered in days. His head was turned down, and he looked about ready to pass out. I knew he hadn't left Rain since she'd been here, but I wondered if he had even slept a wink in that time either.

"Hey,"  I said, approaching cautiously. 

Ace's head popped up and the purple bags under his eyes told me I was probably right. He rubbed his tired eyes with his fingers and let out a yawn. "Lockdown over?" he asked, sleepily.

I nodded. "This morning. She awake?"  I asked.

Ace nodded. "She's been dying to see you." 

"Me too. I've been so worried." 

"I was too," he agreed surprisingly. "Looks like she's gonna be fine though." 

"Yeah,"  I agreed, although I was honestly shocked that he cared enough to worry about her.

Other than Raegan, Loraine was one of my closest friends. I knew what she and Ace were up to, and I knew how she really felt about him. Against everyone's better judgment and warnings, Rain couldn't help but fall for Ace after fooling around with him for so long. I also hung around the guys enough to know how he felt about her. Or so I thought. I had heard Ace talking about how he was getting bored and was wanting someone new, but his actions since four days ago proved otherwise. He was scared for her, and as much as he might have denied it, he cared about her. That had all become abundantly clear within the last 72 hours.

"I'm gonna stay for a while. You can go home. I got it from here," I added.

Ace shook his head. "Someone should be here just in case those assholes try and finish the job." 

"You think they'll come back for her?" I asked, panic beginning to rise in my throat.

I had convinced Cash to drop me off, but I also forced him to let me go in alone after spending three days with a clubhouse full of people. If one of the shooters came back for some reason, Ace was the only member of the Tribe here to defend us.

He shrugged. "Lockdowns called off so I doubt it, but you can never be too careful you know?" 

I let out a breath. This was Ace being protective. It was kind of cute.

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