Chapter 19: Panty Dropper

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An author once told me that the job of a writer is to figure out what the reader wants, and then stop them from getting it. That being said, my sincerest apologies for what's about to go down.  


Nothing surprised me more than seeing the full parking lot as I walked towards Black's for my Friday night shift. Things had been super dead since the shooting, and I had barely been coming out with fifty bucks a night in tips since we'd re-opened. Of course, when I finally decide to take on a second job, Black's becomes busy as fuck again. Not to anyone's surprise, the place was nearly all Tribe and not just the Utah members. Usually, this amount of Tribe members in town at once meant there would be a huge party at the clubhouse that I wouldn't attend, but I hadn't heard anything from Tawny or even Carter. That was a good sign, maybe they were finally getting the hint that no matter how many times they would invite me, I most likely would not show up.

I nodded at Cash and Mick as I passed the booth and didn't miss the looks I got from a few of the new faces. When Cash noticed the way the brothers on either side of him were undressing me with their eyes, he slapped each of them hard on the side of the head and got up from the booth.

I let out a chuckle as I shook my head. Cash still acted like he owned me after nearly a year of not going near him, which was honestly pathetic at this point. I couldn't help but think that if Knox and I really did out ourselves, one bonus would be that Cash would have to move on. I'd tried this tactic with other guys I was casually seeing before, but somehow Cash had managed to scare them all off before anything could happen. With Knox, it would be different because he wouldn't scare as easily. Even still, I was unsure if I was ready for everyone to intrude in a relationship that wasn't even really official yet.

Those thoughts slipped to the back of my mind when I saw Cash approaching the bar just as I began making drinks for my first customer of the night.

"Hey," he began awkwardly.

"Hi," I said, opening three beers for the man who had just ordered them.

I handed them over to him as he slid me payment and a five dollar tip. Cash shot the man a look and he took off a moment later.

"So," he went on. "Heard you started workin' at the diner off county road."

I nodded. "Only during the day. I need some extra cash to get my car fixed."

I had gone without one for much too long already, and with the cold winter temperatures around the corner, getting my car back was a top priority.

"Still not running right?" Cash asked, surprised.

I shook my head and scoffed. "I don't think that thing ever ran right."

Since I had got the car when I first moved to Utah, the piece of junk had broken down on me at least five times. I started to walk everywhere just to avoid driving it, until the last time when it had broken down for good.

"Why don't I come over tomorrow and I'll take a look at it for you?" Cash asked with a slight smirk on his lips.

Cash had fixed my car for me almost every time it had broken down, and every time he was more than willing to help. It was like he loved the fact that I still needed him for something. It probably made him feel like there was a chance I would still get back with him, but if I didn't do it before I started hooking up with Knox, I sure as hell wouldn't go back to him now.

"Don't bother," I said, as I topped off a regular who was sitting by Cash at the bar. "I think I might just get a new one."

Cash's eyes lit up with excitement. "I could help you look for one?" he suggested. "Talk those assholes into giving you a good price."

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