Chapter 32: Score to Settle

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Two chapters this week just cos ;) Hope you all enjoy and please let me know by voting and commenting. Also please be sure to follow me on Instagram @slowridebook for sneak peeks, updates and other fun stuff!!

Song for this chapter: Seven Devils by Florence and The Machine


"Gone?" I questioned. "What do you mean gone?"

I couldn't believe the words that had just left Bear's mouth. They had only left the clubhouse not even twenty minutes ago, how could Rigs disappear in such a little amount of time?

"He was suspicious right from the jump. We pulled onto the back road off 44 and that piece of shit tried to run me into the ditch. I swerved and managed to stay on my bike, but by the time I was ready to go after him, I'd already lost him."

Nora shrieked hysterically and Ronnie was trying but failing to comfort her.

"No," Nora cried. "This can't be happening," she mumbled.

"Hey," I said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but she violently brushed it off.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you!" she screamed. "He knows. He's gonna kill my boys because I ratted on him," she said, pacing so fast she had created a draft.

"Calm down," Mick said, softly. "We're not gonna let anything happen to your boys," he promised.

Nora took several deep breaths and nodded her head. "Okay," she agreed. "But if I know him, he's headed on the highway straight back to Arizona."

Bear shook his head. "He won't be getting very far tonight. It's almost dark out and he's on his bike. It's way too cold for a twelve-hour ride like this. He'll probably find a motel to crash for the night and then start up again in the morning."

I nodded in agreement. "Rigs won't ride through the night, which buys us some time."

"Then we need to get back there first," Nora said, already heading for the door.

Mick held out his arm, pulling her back, much to her dismay.

"Slow down there," Mick said.

"What are you doing?" Nora asked, exasperated. "We need to get there before him so we can get my boys."

Mick shook his head. "I'm sorry, Nora, but you're not going anywhere."

"What do you mean?" she raged. "I will not let that son of a bitch take my kids."

"And we won't either," I promised. "But, it might be a better plan to try and find him while he's still in the area. If we find him first, we won't need to worry about him going after the boys."

The fire had disappeared from Nora's face and the tears were back. "And what if your all wrong and he somehow drives through the night and takes my boys? What then?" she sobbed.

Cash wiped away Nora's tears and gently took her cheek in his hand. Instead of worrying about Nora in this moment, I couldn't help remember the way Cash was touching Ronnie earlier. I swear I felt myself losing my cool the longer he had his hands on her. She pulled away as soon as she saw me, but it sure as fuck wasn't fast enough to make me forget that I had seen it.

"Is there anyone you trust in the club back in Arizona?" Cash asked, and Nora slowly nodded.

"Axel, the new prospect" Nora choked out. "Me and his old lady are friends, and he hates Rigs almost as much as I do."

"A prospect?" I questioned, not sure I liked the idea of putting two very important lives in the hands of a man who wasn't even fully patched yet.

Nora shrugged. "Rigs hasn't had time to brainwash or threaten him yet. As far as I can tell, he's on my side."

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