Chapter 29: Crossing Lines

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Songs for this chapter: You And Me by Lifehouse and Wrap Your Arms Around Me by Gareth Dunlop -


I nearly wanted to kill Tweaker for suggesting we give Knox and Nora privacy. After all the effort I went through to get them both here, I damn well deserved to know what was so important. Instead, I was forced to stand around in my small kitchen with Tweaker, only able to make out every couple of words rather than the whole thing. Although Tweaker was trying to pretend he wasn't eavesdropping, we were both silent and stood at the furthest end of the kitchen in hopes that we'd hear a little something.

From what I gathered, I was right. Nora had confirmed that Rigs had still been hitting her. It wasn't a major shock if I was being honest. I'd seen girls like Nora before— timid, jumpy, and covered in bruises. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on between Nora and her husband—despite my foreknowledge that it had happened before. I wasn't surprised to hear her admit it, but her last words caught me completely off guard.

My mouth dropped at the sound of the sentence leaving her lips. I looked at Tweaker in pure and utter shock, only to have him looking back at me with the same expression.

"Did I hear that right?" I asked, needing confirmation that I hadn't imagined the sound.

Tweaker nodded.

Although my apartment was tiny, the wall separating the kitchen from the living room was enough of a sound barrier to second guess myself. But, the look on Tweaker's face told me he had heard the same thing.

"Rigs killed Doc?" I asked, still not processing it in my head.

I wasn't the most informed or privy to MC culture, but I did know that killing a member, a president no less, without a formal vote was a major no-no.

Tweaker let out a breath and swallowed. "That's what she said."

A few seconds later, the sound of something crashing to the ground and breaking into a million pieces broke me out of my thoughts. Without even thinking twice about it, I ran into the living room with Tweaker hot on my tail.

The lamp that once stood on my side table was now laying in pieces on the ground, Knox standing over it with a murderous expression on his face. Nora hadn't stopped crying, but now a look of pure panic washed over her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, looking over at me.

I nodded in her direction, but my gaze was locked on Knox. His chest was heaving up and down and a large vein was protruding out of the side of his neck. I had never seen him so angry. He looked like he was ready to tear the rest of my place to shreds.

Luckily, Tweaker came to the same conclusion I had and intervened right when Knox was about to swipe the items on the mantle straight off.

"Calm down, man," Tweaker warned.

Knock's arms were held back by Tweaker, and Nora only continued to cry louder. I was silent, stuck in place and completely clueless to what I should say or if I should even speak at all.

"How do you know?" Knox demanded loudly, struggling through Tweaker's grip.

Nora let out a loud sob. "He told me that if I ever tried to leave with the kids, he'd kill me like he killed my father."

At her admission, Knox's face grew even more infuriated. If that was even possible.

"I'll fucking kill him!" Knox raged, finally escaping his best friends grasp.

"Knox!" Tweaker called. "You need to relax, you hear me?"

I'd never felt truly afraid of any of the guys, Knox especially, until this moment. The way his eyes had turned from their usual bright jade to almost black, was terrifying.

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