Chapter 7: Bad Luck

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I knew when I saw the little red light go on that the gas would start slowing shortly after. This wasn't the first time my hunk of junk had broken down on me, but it was the first time that I was out of Tooele when it happened. I steered my car to the edge of the dirt road I had been driving down and turned my car off. I waited a few minutes before trying to restart it, hoping that my antique ride would come through for me when it really mattered.

I crossed my fingers as I turned my key, trying to restart the ignition, only to hear a clicking noise.

"Just fucking perfect," I groaned, hitting the steering wheel with both hands before trying one more time.

When it still didn't start, I pulled my phone out of my purse and dialled Reagan's number. Or at least I tried to dial it. It only rang once before the line cut out. Just my luck, the empty battery symbol flashed on my screen before it went black.

"Fuck!" I cursed.

I forgot to charge my phone last night and was too busy running errands all day to remember to plug it in before I left the house. My 1998 Dodge Neon didn't exactly have a USB plug and it honestly slipped my mind that my car hadn't been the most reliable lately.

I threw my useless phone over to the passenger seat and popped my hood before I let myself out of the car. Although I knew next to nothing about mechanics, I looked under the hood as if I might see something I recognized, but I was sorely mistaken.

It might as well have been in Chinese for how foreign it all looked.

This was all just my luck. Of course, the odd time I drive into Salt Lake to pick up Carter's shoes for homecoming is also the same time the Neon decides it would be a good time to die 30 minutes outside the city. Not only was Carter gonna kill me if I didn't produce the shoes before she had to leave, I might actually be stranded here for a few hours before somebody actually drove by. I opted to take the scenic route back to Tooele, hoping to avoid traffic and get back to Tawny's house faster, but at this rate, it didn't look like I would be getting there before Carter had to leave. I knew there was no point in walking, there was nothing for miles. My best hope was staying put and hoping that someone would drive by and stop so I could use their phone and call someone.

I left the hood open and got settled back in my car, hoping that someone would come by before it got dark.


The sun was beginning to set what felt like hours later.

I didn't have any way to tell what time it was, but it must have been approaching six o'clock.

Only one car had driven by since I had been here, and despite my waving and hollering from the side of the road, they drove by without even glancing in my direction. Asshole.

I was beginning to lose faith, but then I heard the faint sound of an engine in the distance coming from the direction of Tooele. I sprang to my feet and took no chances as I ran into the middle of the road and prayed I wasn't about to get run over.

As the sound got closer it almost sounded like it could be a motorcycle from how loud the engine was. When it finally came into view I realized I was right.

I waved my hands over my head as the driver got closer and I visibly saw the bike slow. A wave of relief washed over me, until I was close enough to the bike to recognize it, and its driver.


What were the fucking odds?

I hadn't seen him in weeks, and the first time since Hawg's party is on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

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