Chapter 26: Give 'Em Enough Rope

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Yay for an early update !!!! Hope you enjoy.


Songs for this chapter: Perfect by Hedley and I fall apart by Post Malone


The tattoo parlor was slower than most days, probably from the downpour of rain that had come down for the last two hours. I'd had no customers for most of the day with the exception of one chick who came in for a classic butterfly tramp-stamp. While she attempted to flirt the entire time, I ignored most of her advances and finished her in less than a couple of hours. The other guys were busy with scheduled appointments, whereas I was doing walk in's despite the fact that I had only had one customer all day. I was so bored that I nearly jumped out of my chair when I saw Tweaker running in from the rain.

"I get it now," Tweaker said, making his way over to my station with an amused smile.

"Get what?" I greeted.

"Why you like working here so much," he answered, shaking the rain out of his damp hair.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. While the Tribe owned the tattoo shop, Bucky and I were the only brothers who worked here. A couple of the guys had side gigs doing construction and other shit, while the rest of them either worked at the truck stop, or in our other business ventures.

"You fuck the dog all day. Maybe I should take up tattooing," he said. "Easy going days, having my hands on chicks bodies," he listed. "Sounds like a pretty good gig."

I shook my head with an amused smirk. "Yeah, requires no skill at all," I teased.

Tweaker waved me off. "I can learn. How hard can it be? You do it."

I let out a chuckle. I had been obsessed with tattoos since I got my first one at sixteen years old. Something about them drew me in and had me addicted. I had full sleeves on both arms by the time I was eighteen and then started playing around with drawing out my own and realized I was good at it. I took a couple of courses after I'd gotten my GED and became even better when I actually started practicing on myself and some of my brothers. Back at the shop I worked at in Arizona, I was fully booked nearly every day, but since Tooele was a smaller town, work didn't come in as steady.

"Truckstop dead too?" I asked since he didn't seem to be working too hard either.

Tweaker nodded. "This storm coming in backed up everything."

The rain was supposedly gonna keep up all weekend and even get worse by tomorrow night. There was a ton of warning for expected flooding and even power outages in the local area. This would do wonders for business.

"Shit," I mumbled.

This meant a slow down of business on all fronts.

"On the upside, Mack's had some time to dig around about Shep," Tweaker revealed.

"He find anything?" I asked immediately.

I still had the strong feeling that Shep wasn't involved in the stealing that was going on. Shep was a solid leader and one of the longest reigning presidents. He had earned all of our respect and we owed it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the way Tweaker's expression shifted told me it wasn't good news.

"Not looking too good for him, man."

I sighed. "What'd he find?" I asked, bracing myself to be disappointed.

"Shep bought the Knucklehead in cash," Tweaker revealed.

"Shit," I cursed.

"Almost thirty thousand cash," He clarified.

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