Chapter 38: Bait and Switch

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Song for this chapter: Rascal Flatts Bless the Broken Road


"Rigs," I said through clenched teeth.

"Bingo," he teased. "I have to admit, I was a little-pissed off that you already managed to get to my bitch wife before I could, but this one will do."

"You touch her and I'll fucking end you," I warned.

Rigs only chuckled. "I'm not scared of you, Knox. All I want is a trade. My wife and kids for her. We got a deal?" he questioned.

I remained silent, knowing that I couldn't just hand over Nora and her boys just to get Ronnie back, but I sure as fuck wasn't gonna let her die either.

Rigs got impatient and I heard a brutal slapping noise followed by a pained groan from Ronnie. The sound of her being hurt twisted my stomach and I had no choice but to tell him what he wanted to hear.

"Okay, okay," I said. "But if you lay one more finger on her, I promise, I'll make you regret it."

Rigs scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Get me Nora and my boys and you can have the slut."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "I will," I lied. "But I need more time."

I needed to stall him. I needed to find him before I had to make a choice between Nora and Ronnie.

"You have one hour, or blondie dies," he warned.

I heard Ronnie cry out in the background and I felt like I might throw up.

"No!" I said, internally panicking. "Club's on lockdown because of you. I can't just break Nora and the boys out without someone knowing what's going on. Give me a couple of days until things die down and everyone goes home. I'll bring Nora, I swear," I lied.

Rigs contemplated my offer for a few moments, and I knew then that I had him. Although I had no intention of actually delivering, Rigs knew that if I brought Nora to him now, there would be too much heat for him to get away.

"Fine," he agreed. "I'm giving you twelve hours. After that, blondie's gone. Got it?" he asked.

"Yeah," I agreed. 

"Good, and tell my Angel I'll see her soon," he said, surely smirking before he hung up.

He didn't exactly give me a couple of days, but it was the best I was gonna get.


I drove back to the clubhouse feeling sick to my stomach. I couldn't do this alone, which meant I was about to tell my brothers everything about me and Ronnie, including the fact that she was pregnant. I needed them to help me find Rigs and to do that, they needed to know the full story. I always imagined Ronnie and I would face the heat together when our relationship finally got out, but that was no longer an option.

I walked into the crowded clubhouse and each of my brothers seemed to notice the look on my face. I didn't even bother to try and lead them away from everybody before I began speaking because I knew we didn't have a second to waste.

"What's going on, bro?" Ace asked, clearly seeing the venomous look on my face.

"Rigs has Ronnie," I said, shocking nearly the whole room.

I saw a mix of confusion, anger, and fear wash over nearly everyone in the clubhouse.

"The fuck did you just say?" Mick asked from across the room.

"I went to Ronnie's and she was gone. I called her cell and Rigs is holding her until we give him Nora."

Cash tossed his beer bottle against the wall in anger as he approached me. "Why the fuck would he take Ronnie? She has nothing to do with this!" he yelled.

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