Everyone was startled by the loud screeches from Deliora. Erza, Lucy, and Happy noticed the moonlight shining through the area their in. All three head to stop the person doing the ceremony to resurrect Deliora.
Natsu and Asami both face off against Zalty who attacks them with blue orb. Natsu punched the orb causing it to shatter;however, it reforms back into the orb again. "It fixed itself again!"Natsu choked out when the orb smashed into his stomach.
"I can control the time of objects. In other words, I can return the crystal to a time before it was broken." Zalty said with arrogance in his tone.
Asami watched the short man with scrutinizing eyes. "So you mean to tell us that you can use Arc of Time magic?"Asami said while Natsu had a look of confusion.
Zalty looked over at the raven hair girl. "Smart girl. It's a lost magic that quite rare and powerful." He switched his gaze to the pink haired man. "Next, shall I progress the crystal's time into the future?" He sent his crystal orb to attack both dragon slayers. Asami manages to dodge the attacks unlike Natsu who gets hit multiple times.
"It won't work." Natsu shouted and got was about to hit it once more."It stopped!"
"I can also stop its time, see."
"But it doesn't look like it would work on humans." Asami said watching the orb move away.
"Well, don't you have the sharp eyes? It is accurate to say that it will not work on living creatures. That is exactly why I cannot simply reverse time on the ice that is Ur."
"Honestly, I don't get you. So you're going to resurrect this thing only to let Lyon defeat it. Lyon might be happy with that, but what's in it for his friends?"Natsu questioned.
"Who knows? I only joined them all quite recently."Zalty responded.
"Then what about you? What are you really after?"Asami questioned while keeping an eye on Haru who was hiding.
"Oh my I can't slip anything by you, can I? Or rather that spoiled brat could never defeat Deliora in the first place!"
"Wait, that's really dangerous! So you'd defeat it yourself?"Natsu said.
"Of course not. I want to make it mine. There exist techniques to control even immortal beasts. It would be incredible for me to control such awesome power, do you not think?"
"How stupid. Sorry I asked."
"You still do not understand. There will always come a time when one needs power."Zalty snapped.
"And when that time comes, I'll believe in my own power, and the power of my friends The wizards of Fairy Tail!"Natsu said with a smirk in place as he looked over at Asami who nodded.
"That ego will lead to your destruction Ceiling, speed your time and crumble!"Zalty yelled as he used his magic to have the ceiling fall.
"You're all destroying this island for idiotic reason!"
"Can those wild flames and water capture my Time Ark?""Get the hell off this island! Ready Asami?" Natsu shouted. Asami gave him a smirk and they both jumped up dodging the crystal orbs and knocked them away. Both raise a fist and punch Zalty knocking him into the ground.
On top of the temple Erza knocks Toby out stopping him from continuing the ceremony. Toby reveals that Deliora is already awakened and that they were too late to stop him. The villagers hear Deliora.
"Gray?"Asami said in surprise when she sees him. She and Natsu both jumped on top of the rock with Haru flying behind them.

Asami The Water Dragon Slayer
FanfictionHer blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing. "We did it." She said softly. Gray rubbed his head against...