Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
Lyon continues to taunt Gray by saying he wouldn't actually go through with it. Gray's face begins to crack and yells, "This is the end! Iced-"
Natsu punches Gray making him cancel the spell."You idiot!"
Gray glares at the fire dragon slayer, "Natsu!"
"You break into my fight spouting "responsibility?" Give me a break! Your kill? I'm the one that's gonna beat him!Get to the back of the line pal!"snapped Natsu.
"Back of what line? You little-"
"You wanna go?"shouts Natsu.
Gray stands up glaring at him,"I have to be the one that finishes him off! I'm prepared to die!"
"Since when is dying finishing a battle? Well? Ain't that just running away, huh?! Look you even made Asami cry you jerk!"
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Gray looks towards Asami who is looking down and he see's a tear fall. Before he can approach her the ground begins to shake surprising them all.
~~~~With Erza, Lucy, and Happy~~~
They continue to fight off the enemy. They stop when they feel the ground shaking. They all look surprised when they see the temple is back to it's original position.
"What the heck?!"shouts Natsu. He begins to hit the ground when they all notice the temple's pillars are no longer destroyed.
"Now the light of the moon will land on Deliora again!"snaps Gray.
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Asami walks up to Gray and slaps him catching Gray, Natsu, Haru and Lyon off guard. Asami was never violent with anybody and her slapping him made Gray realize that he had pushed her too far by doing Iced Shell. Gray looks at her in shock grabbing his face, "Asami?"
She then hugs him which causes him to freeze at first before wrapping his arms around her. He softly hears her muttering, "Don't ever do that again okay." in to his chest. Gray's face softens and he nods.
Zalty runs in, "Sorry for the interruption."
"Zalty, is this your doing?"
Zalty approaches Lyon,"The moon will be out soon, so I returned the temple to normal."