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Everyone continued to stare at the blunette who shifted uncomfortably with a small tinted blush on her cheeks. She was feeling a bit embarrassed that she had fallen in front of all these powerful wizard's. That was a bad first impression in her opinion. Wendy looked at everyone who was making a comment about how cute, small, or the fact that she was a small child.

 Wendy looked at everyone who was making a comment about how cute, small, or the fact that she was a small child

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Her gaze fell on the girl with deep blue colored eyes that were narrowed at her. Like they were judging her and it made her more uncomfortable than before. She knew exactly who it was, Asami Amagai. She knew all about the Fairy Tail wizards and how they now had three dragon slayers already in their guild. Wendy was a bit intimidated but, also excited to meet The Salamander and The Water Lily. She had so many questions to ask them but, she was a bit too shy to ask especially now after the fall she took. Once the blue eyed female looked away from her after seemingly taken out the trance she was in by the dark hair boy next to her who looked a bit concerned for his team mate, Wendy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Asami looked away from the younger girl after she felt Gray put a concerned hand on her shoulder. She realized she had been staring down the blunette with an intense look and it seemed that only Gray and Haru had noticed much to her relief. She didn't want to have to explain to the group and especially Wendy who might possibly be her younger sister. "I'm fine." She muttered quiet enough for only Gray to hear after he asked if she was okay. "I'll tell you later." He nodded in response as they along with the rest turned to Jura who spoke up.

"Now then since all guild are present we can begin." He stated causing a few of the guys in the group to look at him in shock. They were all stunned to see a small child help them take down a powerful group and the fact that Jura wasn't fazed surprised them.

"What was Cait Shelter thinking? Sending this little girl on her own." Sherry said looking at the small nervous girl. "They must be really hurting for members if they sent her on her own."

"She isn't alone." A female voice stated. The group looked over at the entrance where a small white cat was walking in with a confident stride. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, goddy trollop."

"What is this?" Gray asked.

Asami raised an eyebrow at the small cat with an attitude and noticed Happy blushing as he stared at the female. The water dragon slayer and Haru smirked when they knew the blue cat had formed a crush. They would have to tease him about it later.

"A cat." Lyon deadpanned. They all kept their gaze on the small white female cat in the room.

Natsu was a bit in awe. "Woah! She's just like Happy and Haru."

"She can talk too?" Lucy asked.

"What a stupid cat. I'm not goddy." Sherry puffed her cheeks out in annoyance.

The blonde gaped at the pinkette."That's your beef?!"

"Oh Carla. You followed me here?" Wendy looked at her feline friend.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now