::80:: Atlas Flame

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We do not remember days,

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We do not remember days,

We remember moments.

-Cesare Pavese

Gray set Asami down next to the girls as he approached the fire that was encased in ice. "I haven't been able to do much about the ice in the village. It's immune to my maker magic. I sure as hell can't melt it. The only thing I can do is channel it through my body. I think that means my ice and this ice have something in common." He said staring up at the ice as he recalled what he did to defeat Doriate.

"You're gonna channel that cursed ice through your body!?" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm sure you'll handle it but, what will it let you do?" Wendy questioned him taking a step closer to her sister who was watching Gray slam his hands on the ice.

"What I couldn't do before!" His hands started to glow as he began to do the same thing when he defeated Doriate. "Once it's been inside me. I think that I'll be able to defuse it."

Flare looked at him, her brows furrowed. "That's amazing! But are you sure you can do it?"

"Won't know for sure until I try. That's why I'm not using this on the giants yet." He said. "Step 1 is to suck the ice right out of this mountain. I'm gonna give that giant flame some space to breath, I'm not sure how this'll play out so get back!" He warned as the ice started to glow and steam started to come from the ice as it sublimated.

It only took seconds before the light disappeared and everyone gasped when there was no flame in sight. Gray's jaw clenched tightly feeling guilty, disappointed, and angry that he failed.

"What happened?" Happy said quietly.

Carla covered her mouth in shock. "Is there nothing left of it?"

"I didn't mean to..." Gray trailed as he stared at the vacant place where the flame was supposed to be.

Flare dropped to her knees feeling overwhelmed with sadness and disappointment. "It's not real."

Asami glanced away from Gray's tense figure to her sister who visibly stiffened. "What is it?" She asked quietly.

"I feel something." Wendy whispered, knowing she had this feeling before but couldn't quite remember from when.

Asami pursed her lips and looked back at her husband's back that was facing them, she knew that he was feeling guilty for this. She went to say something when something caught her eye. Her eyes narrowed at the light coming from in front of Gray. "What is that?"

Lucy turned to her in confusion. "Huh?" Everyone else looked at the raven haired wizard in question.

"I can feel it." Wendy said, grabbing their attention. "It has residual thought energy like back with Zarconis."

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