::30:: Sky Maiden

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Brain kept his gaze on the young blue haired girl behind the boulder

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Brain kept his gaze on the young blue haired girl behind the boulder. "There's no mistaking it. You are Wendy. The Maiden of the Sky!" The younger girl in response cowered in fear.

"The Maiden of the Sky? What's that?" Gray asked from his spot on the ground. Asami was a few feet away from him but, she kept her eyes on Wendy who was with all three cats.

Wendy crouched down behind the boulder and put her hands to her head. "What does that mean?" She asked feeling frustrated and scared. Haru gave her a hug and she held onto him as she teared up.

Happy looked at the young girl in curiousity. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"To think we simply stumbled upon her here. We made quite a find my friends." Brain grinned evilly to his followers. "Grab her!" He shot out a green looking tentacle that grabbed Wendy who was still hanging onto Haru.

Carla and Happy both made a run towards the blue haired girl and brown colored cat in her arms. "Hang on, I'll save you until I can catch you!." Happy stated as he held a bat in his hand.

'Wendy. Haru.' Asami eyes widened as she watched the two cats desperately try to catch up to the two.

"Grab on." Carla reached out her hand but, Wendy ended up grabbing Happy instead. Asami made eye contact with Haru who she nodded at before they were sucked into Brain's staff. She along with the rest of the alliance that were on the ground felt the earth beneath them shake and threw them around.

Once it stopped and Brain had Wendy with him he shot a green light at them. Hibiki grabbed Lucy to cover her while Lyon grabbed onto Sherry and Gray jumped on top of Asami in order to cover her. Asami looked to the side and sighed in relief when she caught Jura's scent. He covered all of them from the incoming attacks saving them. They all stared at the Wizard Saint and thanked him.

"Okay let's take them down." Natsu stated as he stood up. But, the Oracion Seis were gone including Wendy, Haru, and Happy.

"They're long gone by now." Gray muttered as he intertwined his fingers with Asami who kept her gaze on the spot the Oracion Seis were in.

"Why'd we let them get away." Natsu complained.

"They wiped the floor with us." Ren stated.

Eve clenched his fists. "Well they were a lot stronger than all of us.We never stood a chance against them."

"The Oracion Seis. What unbelievable power." Lyon said to them.

"And there are only six of them. They're much stronger than the rumours suggested." Hibiki muttered.

Sherry looked over at the fallen bomber on the ground utterly destroyed. "Just look at what they did to Christina."

"According to Angel, the women who appears in minds. They know everything about our mission." Jura stated making everyone tense up. "We're lucky no lives were lost."

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