::87:: Dragons

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Anyone with a heart,

with a family,

has experienced loss.

No one escapes unscathed.

Every story of separation is different,

but I think we all understand that basic,

wrenching emotion that comes from saying goodbye,

not knowing if we'll see that person again -

or perhaps knowing that we won't.

-Luanne Rice

Asami closed her eyes and tried to not make any sound as she listened to Gajeel singing Levy a song that he made up on the spot. They were taking a slight break from all the walking they were doing.

The lyrics made her sweat drop, especially hearing Levy asking Gajeel to stop probably feeling flustered by his singing. Haru who was sitting her lap was shaking and trying to not laugh at the iron dragon slayer's eccentric singing style.


Meanwhile, Gray appeared just in time to help Natsu, Sting, and Rogue to fight against Mard Geer. He had given Natsu his scarf back after finding it along the way as he searched for more demons to kill. The three dragon slayers were stunned by the amount of power Gray was giving off and his demon slayer magic.

Just when it seemed like he could take out Mard Geer, the demon summoned up an old face that the twin dragon slayers recognized; Jiema their old master became a demon for the sake of power.

Leaving the Sabertooth dragon slayers to defeat their old master, Natsu and Gray teamed up to fight Mard Geer who put up a good fight. Except, even with his etherious form, he was still no match for the fire and ice duo. Natsu used his dragon force to fight him and Gray defeated Mard Geer with one shot using his Demon Slayer magic.

"We did it." Natsu said from his spot on the ground.

Gray's markings disappeared. "No. Not yet we haven't." He replied. "This ain't over till I've destroyed E.N.D."

"Right I forgot. Listen, Gray..." Natsu began to sit up, suddenly remembering what his father asked him to do. "I was actually supposed to get ahold of that book for Igneel."

"Sorry, but you ain't getting it." The Ice Demon slayer held up the book in his hand.

"Stop screwing around. Hand it over."

He gave him a stoic look, holding the book tightly."I'm serious, Natsu. I ain't lettin go." He ignored the glare he received. "I've got Tartaros' master in this thing. From what they said, he's the strongest of all of Zeref's books. This might be the only chance that we'll get to erase him."

"All I know is that I made Igneel a promise." He said not relenting. "Now give me the book."

"I don't think so."

The two stared each other down, their eyes filled with determination to keep the promise they made to their fathers.

"What is it now?" Natsu clicked his tongue in annoyance when the ground began shaking. He blinked. "Wait, could this be the FACE's?"

While they beat Mard Geer, Erza and Minerva had failed in stopping Kyoka on time as the FACE timer ended on 0:00, signalling it's detonation.

"You do realize that this is only the beginning." Mard Geer voiced, despite the pain he was in, there was a smug look in his eyes. "Once all of you precious magic is rendered obsolete, the seal that binds my master will finally break. The moment when the mightiest of the etherious has been restored, your species will find itself devoid of magic and any means of opposing us."

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now