::26:: Excommunications and Parades

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Haru managed to find Gray and the two set out to find Warren in order to communicate with those of the guild that were okay to help take down the Thunder Palace.

"I still need more." Asami muttered as she continued to use her magic to form more spheres of water from the canal and aimed them all at the lightning lacrimas. "And I'm also out of time." She managed to get one hundred up in the sky. Like her Erza was struggling to summon more blades since she was lower on magic power, but she was able to summon almost 100 blades so far.

"Hey, can everyone hear me?"

Asami's head snapped up. "Warren?"

"This is an emergency! Look up at the sky!"

"It's in my head? Telepathy?"

"Wake up you lazy bums! And if there's anyone still fighting, hold up for now!"

"That's Warren's telepathy." She concluded.

"Listen up, everyone! We gotta destroy those things floating in the sky with all the magic power we got! It's a magic spell from Laxus that'll attack the city! There's no time! Everyone do it!"

"Those are Laxus's Warren, why do you know about the Thunder Palace?" Erza spoke.

"That voice Erza?" Asami heard his voice and let out a sigh of relief.

She spoke up. "Gray, you're okay?"

"Asami. Yeah I'm okay. Haru found me, are you alright?" He asked his fiance.


"Took me a while to find the guy."

"Erza? You're not turned to stone?"

"So, if Erza's okay are the others?"

"Is Levy?" Jet asked worried about his teammate.

"Everyone is safe. Worry not. Juvia is also okay." Elfman stated.

"So is Bisca, Alzack." Asami added knowing that he was obviously concerned for the green haired mage's safety.

"I see Thank goodness"

"Really Sorry. My telepathy can't reach all the way to the guild. We'll have to do it with the people who can hear me. Destroy those things up in the sky!" Warren explained.

"Damn you, Warren! Did you forget what you did to me?" Max yelled through the telepathy in anger. Soon enough all the fighting began once more but telepathically.

"Max? I'm sorry about that, man I was, like, really trying to save Erza and the others, so-"

"This is Droy! Can you hear me, Alzack?"

"I-I hear you. I'm sorry about before."

"You think that's gonna cut it? You hit me with a sneak attack!"

"And you, Wakaba!"

"We're not gonna forgive you, Laki!"

Gray snapped at all of them cutting of their fighting. "Save the fightin' for later!"

"You're one to talk!" They all yelled back in unison and Asami sweat dropped.

"There is no time now! Destroy the things floating in the sky! You don't get it, do you?" Gray was ignored as everyone continued their bickering.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now