Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
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All that you are is all that I'll ever need
-Ed Sheeran
Year x791
"Ugh!" Natsu groaned, lying on the ground with books littered around his. "This is so boring! Why do we have to clean the library?!"
"He's right. This is boring!" Gray complained, letting out a small cough when he shut a book closed and the dust hit him in the face.
Asami sent them a bemused look, placing one of the many books back on the shelf. "You two decided to take your fighting here of all places and made Master angry by dropping all these books."
"She's right. This is supposed to be your punishment." Lucy said, giving them an annoyed expression. "You should be grateful that me and Asami decided to help you guys clean up."
"We are but, there are so many books that we'll probably be here for hours." Gray pointed out.
"Yeah, ice stripper is right. Happy and I were supposed to go fishing today." Natsu complained.
The blue exceed raised a paw. "Aye!"
"Yeah, well we were supposed to go to the new candy store they opened." Haru muttered, referring to him, Asami, and Gray.
Asami's shoulders slumped. "And afterwards I was going to join Erza on a job but, since we got stuck here cleaning, she decided to take Wendy, Carla, and Cana with her." She trusted that both Erza and Cana would make sure that Wendy was safe especially since they both cared about her sister.
"Well, I'm glad Erza's gone." Natsu shivered.
"Me too." Gray shuddered, imagining the dark glare on Erza's face. "She'd probably be here ordering us around."
"Maybe you two should get to work." Asami suggested, taking note of how her husband was sitting at the table with a bored expression and Natsu was still lying on the ground. Lucy's brow twitched, taking note of their lack of work effort.
The two exceed glanced at each other, a mischievous look in their eyes as they looked towards the doorway, letting innocent smiles appear on their faces as they waved. "Oh, hi Erza!"
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