::61:: Grand Magic Games

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"Anyone who chooses death doesn't deserve to talk about love!"

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"Anyone who chooses death doesn't deserve to talk about love!"


Natsu who was leaning against the bar asked, "Who's Sabertooth again?"

"They're incredibly strong. Like majorly. They surpassed Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale a while back and now they're the strongest wizard guild around." Romeo explained.

"I've never heard of them till today." Gray said, his arm around Asami who was leaning against him.

"That's because 7 years ago nobody heard of them." Alzack said.

"And then what? They started growing like crazy then?"

"It started when they got a new master. After he took over, 5 incredibly strong wizard's joined and that's all she wrote."

"Wow! 5 new members made that much of a difference." Lucy muttered, impressed that an unpopular guild that she'd never heard about was suddenly number 1.

"Well these guys have some serious guts." Natsu said.

"If they're number 1, than does that mean that Fairy Tail is number 2?" Wendy asked curiously.

"Are you serious?" Happy gave her a look of disbelief.

Asami sweat dropped at her little sister's innocence. "Oh, Wendy." She murmured.

"Wow." Haru mumbled, shaking his head at the small girl.

"Would you take a look around you child." Carla said with a sigh.

Romeo shook his head. "We're dead last."

"They call us Wimpy Fail." Alzack sighed.

"You just had to ask didn't you." Bisca said.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Wendy said, with a flustered look.

Natsu snorted. "Wow! We're last place? That's perfect!This is gonna be fun!"

"For who?" Gray asked.

"Just think about it, Gray. It's gonna be great climbing all the way back to the top all over again! I can't wait!"

"Of course he can't." Asami said, shaking her head fondly at her friends optimism.

Cana approached the group. "Sorry to interrupt. But, have any of you seen Gildarts anywhere?"

"What's the matter? Does wittle Cana start to get lonely whenever daddy's not around." Gray said in mocking tone.

Asami elbowed his in rubs roughly making him give her a confused look. "Really?" She nodded her head over at Lucy.

Gray suddenly felt guilty. "My bad." He said to Lucy.

"It's okay." Lucy waved him off. "Seriously, don't worry about it."

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