::57:: Acnologia

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"If I Win, I live

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"If I Win, I live.

If I lose, I die...

Unless I fight,

I cannot win."

-Mikasa Ackerman

"Is this a freaking joke?!" Natsu, Elfman, Gray, and Gajeel all snapped in unison.

"No joke." Makarov said. "Now deal with it. After everything that's happened I have no choice but, to cancel this year's trial."

"We can still compete. C'mon." Gray pleaded.

Natsu nodded. "Let us finish!" Natsu added. Gajeel and Elfman soon joined in the complaints.

"They're very persistent." Haru muttered sitting in Asami's lap.

"Well they are all determined to become S-class especially after training as hard as they did." The Water Dragon slayer muttered. "Although I don't know about Gajeel."

Haru snorted knowing that the iron dragon slayer only wanted to fight. "Who do you think would have passed?" He asked.

"Hmmm. I don't know honestly." She murmured after giving it a thought. "Probably Natsu or Gray."

He hummed."Yeah." The two switched their gaze and saw Natsu getting slammed into a tree by Master who offered to make Natsu S-class if he beat him. But, obviously that didn't work out for him. "Well it seems like Natsu isn't going to be S-class."

"Seems like it." Asami said and glanced over at Juvia. "Your foot okay, Juvia?" She heard from Erza that Juvia had gotten hurt when she helped fight against Azuma.

"Juvia is fine and thankful for Asami's concern." Juvia said gratefully as she smiled at the ravenette.

The ravenette set Haru on the ground after he muttered that he wanted to talk to Pantherlily. Asami glanced behind Juvia seeing Cana who sending her a look. She furrowed her brows and stood up and walked over to her. "You okay, Cana? You look nervous."

"I'm going to tell him." Cana muttered shifting nervously.

Asami's eyes widened. "You are? Well I really hope it works out for you. Do you want me to go with you?" She asked knowing how hard this must be for the brunette.

Cana bit her lip anxiously. "Please. I mean Lucy is also coming but, I mean..."

"You don't have to say it." Asami muttered. "I told you that I'd be there for you when you needed me." She said as the two walked. She remembered how after she joined, Asami would see the look of longing on Cana's face when she saw Gildarts and the depressed look she got when he'd leave on jobs. It didn't take long for Asami to put two and two together after recognizing Cana and Gildarts scent that they were somehow related. She had confronted Cana who confessed that she was Gildarts daughter and didn't know how to tell him the truth. She was surprised that Natsu never put the two together but, then again he was always more preoccupied with fighting the S-class mage.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now