::70:: Water and Ice

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"No matter what my heart will be forever yours

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"No matter what my heart will be forever yours

And I will fight until the day I see you again."


Asami sighed to herself. She glanced around her taking in her surroundings. She stopped walking, feeling as if someone was following her. Her blue eyes glanced to the left of her when she heard running footsteps and jumped away.

A pink haired young girl jumped into the air and her eyes locked on her target. "Sky God's Boreas!" Chelia yelled as she let out a roar.

"It's Chelia." Asami muttered, dodging the wind attack. She was still feeling exhausted from her fight against Minerva. Now it seemed she would have to fight someone else.

"You're Wendy's older sister right?" Chelia asked her suddenly remembering how Wendy had reacted to when Asami had been attacked by Minerva.

Asami blinked away her shock and got focused on her fight with the God slayer. "Yeah."

"Alright well I just wanted to make sure. So, no hard feelings if I win." Chelia said as she threw another attack at the ravenette.

The older girl smirked. "Someone's cocky." She muttered as she dodged once more. She took a breath before releasing a roar. "Water Dragon Roar!"

Chelia countered it with her own roar and was suddenly pushed back from the power that Asami pushed into her roar. Chelia knew that Asami was an S-class wizard from what Lyon had told her and from what she's read in sorcerer's weekly. There was also the fact that Asami was also a dragon slayer like Wendy whom she ended up having a draw with. But, then there was the fact that she had seen on the lacrima vision how Asami possessed Dragon Force. She was a bit iffy about whether or not she could beat her. But, she wasn't going to let her guild down by getting cold feet and would give it her best.

The two started using hand to hand combat and Chelia was at a disadvantage since Asami moved faster and was stronger. There was sudden explosion that went off that made them pause in their steps. The two glanced in the direction and blinked in surprise at the destruction they could see. "Woah." The muttered together in unison. Asami narrowed her eyes slightly when she picked up on Erza's magic power.

Glancing away from the explosion, the two began their fight once again. That is until they heard their names being called.



The two stopped their fists from hitting the other and turned to the familiar voices that they recognized. There stood both Lyon and Gray.

"What happened to you, Gray? You look a little roughed up." Lyon said in a sly tone.

" Lyon said in a sly tone

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Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now