Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
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The fighting between Natsu and Totomaru continues. Happy rushed Natsu to hurry up since the canon was about to fire again. Totomaru sent blue flames towards Natsu who ate them, Totomaru tells Natsu that it would be pointless for them to keep fighting since they are both fire wizard's.
Totomaru gets ready for Natsu's incoming attack. "Fire Dragon....Spit!" Natsu spits at Totomaru grossing him out. Natsu laughed at Totomaru's expression. The canon informs them that there are only 2 minutes remaining. Happy begins flying in a pacing manner as he freaks out about the time that is left.
"Do think this is a game? Orange Fire!" Natsu once again eats the flames but, gags in disgust from the taste. Totomaru cackles in amusement. "That fire has the smell of an old rag that's sopped up milk."
"That's a dirty trick." Natsu gets up in his face.
"And a face full of spit isn't." Totomaru retorts back.
"1MINUTE TILL JUPITER FIRES" Happy grabbed Natsu's face for him to hurry up.
Natsu decides to fight him hand to hand combat, much to Totomaru's amusement. He pulled out a katana to fight the dragon slayer. Natsu dodges each swipe the other fire slayer takes and kicks the katana out of his hands and it hits the giant lacrima.
Natsu once again tries to fight Totomaru using fire magic. Totomaru is shocked when Natsu expands the size of his flames in order to hit him. 30 seconds remain in counting. The Fairy Tail wizard's outside are still fighting but are also anxiously waiting for Natsu to stop the cannon from firing. Happy continues to fly around as he has a mental breakdown.
Natsu expands his flames to an extent were Totomaru begins to have difficulty in controlling them. He smirked when he manages to change the direction of the fire, only for Natsu to tell him that he wasn't his target. Totomaru turned around to see the flames embed the katana further into the lacrima, shattering it and destroying the cannon.
The wizard's cheer happily that their teammate was able to stop the cannon in time before it fired. They all focus on taking out the rest of the phantom soldiers they were fighting. They all gasp in surprise when the Phantom guildhall begins to transform itself.
Totomaru looked at Natsu in annoyance when he realized that the dragon slayer has motion sickness. He was also surprised that Jose would use the giant at that moment but, he taunts Natsu nonetheless claiming that they won't be able to stop Phantom now.
The wizard's outside all have faith Natsu will be able to take care of it, with the others.They all pale when they remember that Natsu has motion sickness.
"Time for me to finish you off, Dragon Slayer!" Totomaru yelled before stopping in his place when his whole body becomes engulfed in ice. Elfman appeared and punched him, knocking him into the sky.
"You're not a man! You're a backwards shooting snowflake!" Elfman yelled while Totomaru yelled back that it made no sense.
Natsu begins to stand and looked at Gray, Asami, Haru, and Elfman in gratitude. "Thanks guys."