Dragon Cry: Part 1

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Team Natsu was on their way to the Royal Palace for a job the King of Fiore had for them. But on their way there, one of the wheels on their wagon broke so they stopped to fix it. Asami and Erza stayed behind with Gray while Natsu, Happy, and Lucy had wandered off. Wendy, Carla, and Haru offered to go after them since Gray was almost done fixing the wheel.

"Ice Make:" The ice mage's hands formed their stance as they glowed. "Wagon Wheel." He said, a layer of ice covered the wooden wheel. "It should hold up to the royal capital."

"That will be enough." Erza said, her arms crossed over her armored chest as she smiled at her friend.

Asami nodded in agreement. "It looks great, Gray." She praised her husband as he stood up a faint blush on his cheeks from the praise.

"It's nothing." He said, scratching the back of his neck. He glanced out to where he could see the capital in the distance. "You know, we haven't been in the capital in a long time."

A reminder of the last time they were here were for the Grand Magic Games over a year ago. "Yeah..." She murmured softly. It seemed so long ago now when things seemed more simpler. But, they still had the lingering worry of Zeref and Acnologia being out there.

"Asami!" Haru flew out of the trees with a flash of amusement on his face as he flew over her head. "Guess what Lucy and Natsu were doing?!"

"Oi!" Lucy jumped out, giving him a look of annoyance. "Don't make it sound dirty!"

"You were the one in Natsu's face!" He retorted, dodging her swiping hands. "I mean, look at poor Wendy."

They looked over to see Wendy coming out with a red face and looked like steam was coming out of her ears as her imagination began to run wild.

"My poor sister!" Asami cried out, grabbing her sister and began murmuring comforting words. "What did you see? You know what just block it out of your mind!"

"We weren't doing anything!" Lucy insisted, her cheeks red as she felt flustered by everyone's gazes on her while Natsu looked confused by all the commotion. "This is all your fault!" She snapped at him.

He just stared at her with a confused look and the rest sweat dropped while Asami fussed over her sister's innocent mind.


"The grave of dragon's. I believe that some have seen it already at the Grand Magic Games, but below the arena is a place where ancient dragon bones are resting." The King of Fiore said to the group as they all sat around a table. "It is the last resting place the dragon's, which once stood against the black dragon Acnologia, fought and defeated it. My ancestors have examined the retirement several times. In the end, they built the arena to commemorate the dragon's. About 100 years ago, a staff was found in the tomb of the dragon's."

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