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"The worst day of loving someone

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"The worst day of loving someone

Is the day you lose them."

-Elena Gilbert

Asami and Gray ran into Lyon who was fighting alongside Juvia and jumped into fight with them. All the other wizard's were busy fighting the mini dragon's while the rest of the dragon slayers fought against the dragon's. Natsu on the other hand was busy fighting Future Rogue with Atlas Flame by his side.

Elsewhere, Ultear was feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt after she had decided to not kill the Rogue from now.

"There's way too many of them." Juvia said.

Asami blocked the incoming laser shots that were being fired at them. "Feeling overwhelmed?"

"No. Juvia will be alright." The blunette said after pausing a moment. She clenched her fists dodging the shots. "Water Nebula!"

"Ice Make: Tiger!" Lyon yelled as he sent his tiger formed from his ice make magic along with Juvia's attack, combining them.

"Water Dragon: Crushing Fang!" Asami formed a fist and used as much strength as she could summon up and punched one of the mini dragon's, knocking back into the other dragon's. She kept going and punching after the other.

"Woah. She's strong." Lyon said in awe.

"Of course she is." Gray said proudly as he kept an eye on his wife.

"Good job, Asami!" Meredy cheered as she appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"What hell!? Meredy!" Asami jumped in surprise when she saw the pinkette beside her. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come and help you guys out." She said beaming at the ravenette.

Asami smiled. "Well I-."

"Look out!" The two girls were shoved to the ground by Gray.

Gray and Meredy both stood up. "Thanks." The pinkette muttered.

Gray looked over at Asami who was slowly getting back up. His brows furrowed when he saw her flushed look. "You okay?"

"Did you do it on purpose?" She asked still feeling his hand on her butt.

"Do what?"

"Grab my butt when you pushed us down?"

Gray flushed pink. "Of course not."

Her blue eyes narrowed. "So, you didn't just cop a feel in the middle of the battle."

"It was an accident I swear." He said suddenly remembering how his hand did indeed land on her butt when he pushed her down.

"Hm. Alright. If you say so." She muttered under her breath still not believing him.

"Asami! Look out!" Lyon and Juvia cried out.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now