Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
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The fighting amongst guild members continued, much to Makarov, Asami, and Natsu's dismay. The townspeople were obviously used to Fairy Tail's rambunctious behavior and only hoped they would clean up their mess afterwards.
"Max versus Warren: Warren Wins." Happy read aloud. Asami, Makarov, and Natsu were still not able to cross the barrier and had no choice but have to be informed by what is going from the enchantment spell. "Vijeeter versus Nab: Nab wins."
"Laki defeats four others. Battle between Macao and Wakaba begins." Haru continued, sitting on Asami's shoulder. She had changed quickly, since she didn't particularly like walking around half naked but, instead of her hood she kept Gray's jacket on.
"Foolish children! What do they think they're doing!" Makarov yelled in anger.
"They really don't have any other choice but, then to fight each other. Those enchantments are hidden all over town so they're impossible to avoid. It's just like Laxus said, it's a battle of Fairy Tail." Happy said.
Natsu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "But why! It doesn't make sense."
Asami looked at her fellow dragon slayer in sympathy, she knew that he didn't want to believe that a guild member was capable of doing this. 'So now you understand Natsu.'
"I wanna fight too!" He slammed himself into the barrier.
"Is that all!" The rest yelled in disbelief while Asami's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
'Obviously I was wrong.' She thought.
"Ah! Go away you invisible wall!" Natsu shouted.
Makarov hit Natsu on the head. "Why do you want to fight your friends?!"
"Cuz it's a tournament to see who's the strongest."
"This is not a tournament!" Makarov yelled before calming down. "It's nothing but a trap. Laxus is playing you, like a bunch of pawns. If we can't beat the Thunder Legion in time, the girls are going to be smashed to pieces. I know that everyone is trying to keep that from happening, but they are going about it in the wrong way. If we keep fighting amongst ourselves, the girls are as good as finished. We can't let Laxus win."
Natsu looked down at his Master. "Come on Gramps, you don't think he'd seriously hurt him do you?" Asami grimaced at how Natsu really thought it was true. "I know he can be a real pain but, he's still one of us. This is obviously a bluff." He grinned.
"You really think so?" Makarov asked as he and Asami shared a look.
"There's a fighting festival going on and I can't get through!" Natsu banged on the invisible wall.
"Haru and I can get through just fine." Happy flew in a circle, going through the barrier and back inside.
"Does that mean I've been over 80 and nobody's ever told me!" Natsu shouted and the grabbed Asami by the shoulders and shook her. "Asami you can't be over 80 either right?!"