::91:: Doubt

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It's not being in love

that makes me happy,

It's being in love with you

that makes me happy.


Wendy gazed at her sister in worry who was still burning up. "Her fever isn't getting any lower even with my healing powers." She said quietly, wiping her brow as Asami let out a small huff.

At first Wendy thought Asami might have been pregnant but quickly erased that possibility from her mind since Gray had been gone for too long for it to be possible. Knowing now that it was all the worrying that caused her older to get sick and the amount of time she spent outside in the cold rain didn't do her any good either.

Carla looked at the window to the rain lessening. "I wonder if Natsu's made it to Sabertooth's Guild already."

"Leave this to me, Natsu!" Wendy refocused back on getting her sister better

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"Leave this to me, Natsu!" Wendy refocused back on getting her sister better. Hoping that Natsu and the others will find Gray and bring him back. "So please bring Gray back as quickly as you can."

Her brown eyes falling on the anxious look that her sister had as she slept and the small whimpers she let out.

Natsu and Lucy rode on the animal to get to Sabertooth faster with Haru and Happy both flying beside them. "I see it!" Happy exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the possibility that they would find Gray soon.

Haru on the other hand stayed quiet as he flew beside them. It didn't take a lot of convincing for Natsu to let him join them on their search for Gray. He wasn't happy with the ice mage's decision to leave Asami behind the way he did. At first it didn't bug him that Gray had left as much but one night he could remember clearly. He had awoken to hearing Asami sobbing in her room and felt a pang in his heart for his mother figure who hurting more than he thought. It made him angrier as the time flew by and yet no word from Gray had come and Asami was getting worse. She wouldn't sleep as often and would get this faraway look in her eye as she looked out the window or at the door as if awaiting for Gray to burst in through the door. Which obviously never happened.

"Hey, Natsu... Are you sure Sabertooth has information on Gray?" Lucy asked, knocking Haru out of his thoughts as he glanced down at Salamander curiously also wondering why he believed the Sabertooth guild would have any information on the missing ice mage.

"Can't say for sure..." Natsu muttered, debating if he should say something or not.

"What do you mean by that?"

Natsu flipped himself around so he could face the blonde. "Listen up, Lucy." He ignored her wide eyed look at his actions. "I believe in gray. But this time, I won't get any information unless I stop trusting him."

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