::67:: Defeat

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"If you hesitate, It can be fatal

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"If you hesitate, It can be fatal.

Just like Chess."

-Ciel Phantomhive

Minerva felt the anger bubbling inside her as she stared at the Fairy Tail wizard. The girl's words were getting under her skin. Minerva clicked her tongue in annoyance before a smirk appeared on her lips as she stared down at the Water Dragon Slayer. "I see. How about I convince you instead." Minerva pulled out a red scarf with a Fairy Tail emblem on it making Asami's eyes widened when she saw it. Minerva felt a sadistic joy flood her veins when she saw the look of worry in the blue eyed girls eyes. "So, what's your decision?"

"Why should I believe you?" Asami gritted out and glanced over at the stands where she saw Haru standing perfectly still.

"Look up in the stands. I'm sure you remember Rufus." Minerva said.

Asami could only glare at Minerva with a hateful expression on her face. Her fists were clenched and her stomach churned as she stared at the scarf in the Sabertooth woman's hand. Asami had to make a choice. It was either fight Minerva and beat her senseless for threatening someone she loved and hopefully get Haru back safely or concede to her wishes and lose her pride in front of everyone. The thing was Asami didn't know Minerva well enough to know that she'd give Haru back safely and from the look in the woman's eyes she would gladly hurt anyone to get what she wanted and that honestly terrified Asami. Asami knew she had only one choice and she will have to live with the consequences of it. Hopefully her friends and Gray will understand why.

The raven haired, blue eyed beauty bowed her head conceding to the woman's wishes. It made her feel shameful for what she was doing but, what could she do without getting Haru harmed. It was her own fault for not seeing that Haru wasn't up in the stands. She should have known that Sabertooth was just as bad as Raven Tail.

I'm sorry guys. She mentally apologized. She was not only letting herself down but also her teammates.

"Wise choice." Minerva said her tone pleased.

It was in that moment that the timer rung.

"The timer is up!"

"Yes!" Mirajane, Cana, and Juvia cheered knowing that Asami was going to win.

Gray furrowed his brows when he saw Asami bow her head as if she was agreeing to something. "Something's wrong." He muttered grabbing his teammates attention along with Lucy who had rejoined them. He wasn't the only one who was suspicious because Gajeel could hear their conversation.

Natsu nodded his jaw clenched. "He's right." He said agreeing with Gray. He only managed to get the last bit. He didn't like the look in that woman's eyes that made it seem like a predator ready to take out it's prey.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now