::95:: Discoveries and Decisions

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There is no pretending,

I love you,

And I will love you

until I die.

And if there is life after that,

I'll love you then.

Once Gray and Asami had their talk, they packed a few of their things that they knew they were going to need with them before they traveled back to Magnolia. They had managed to get there before Natsu and Lucy which surprised them. They had run into the rest of the guild that could make it including, Erza, Team ShadowGear, Gajeel, Levy, Lily, Cana, Juvia and the rest not including Natsu, Wendy and Lucy.

The second the water mage caught sight of Asami she jumped her and cried happily at seeing after a year. Cana had managed to snag the ravenette away to talk about what it was like living with Gray in the house alone. Asami gave her a blank look, not amused with her friends questioning about what her and her husband do. Despite the blush on her cheeks, she managed to ignore Cana's relentless teasing.

Once Natsu and his group arrived, they all surprised them. They all celebrated for a while before they realized that they were short some members and that they still needed to build the guild once again. Which is what everyone had been doing the last few days and they planned on having everything ready within 5 days.

"Hand me that nail, Asami." Gray was shirtless and wearing a bandanna on his head, he was putting up the boards with his wife helping him.

She blinked, picking up a few nails and handed them over to him

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She blinked, picking up a few nails and handed them over to him. "Here." She smiled up at him. The water tentacles that were extending from the ground provided the two with some shade from the sun. Building the guild also reminded them of the time they spent building their home away from Magnolia.

"Thanks." He smiled at her before going back to putting the boards. His ear twitched, straining his hearing at the small conversation a few feet away from them when he heard both their names.

Asami blinked, hearing her name as well.

"Hey, didja hear, those two were living together at one point...that true though?" Jet muttered to Droy, his gaze flickering over to the married couple.

"No way man, I heard they got kids now."

"Yeah, I hear they got like 6 of em'"

The couple burned red with embarrassment. Haru only clicked his tongue in annoyance and kept on walking as he carried the wood to somewhere else that wasn't near this insane conversation.

"I heard it was 10." Macao said, also joining in on the gossip taking place.

Romeo gasped at his dad's statement. "No way!"

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now