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"Is Master Makarov here?" Erza asked the moment they all made to the guild.

Mirajane saw them and approached them. "You're finally back from your island getaway. So how was it? Did you have fun?"She asked.

Asami sweat dropped.'It really wasn't a getaway...."

"It was work not a vacation."Ezra said sternly.

Behind her Lucy waved her hands trying to grab Mirajane's attention. "Uh, Mirajane....I wouldn't joke with her now."Lucy said nervously.

"Where is Makarov!" Erza asked again.

"He went out of town for some kind of last minute council meeting or something like that. He's been gone since yesterday." Macao answered causing Lucy, Natsu , and Gray to let out a relieved sigh.

"Well that was a close one." Natsu said happily.

"Yes! We won't have to deal with that until gramps gets back."Gray said in agreement.

Happy cried out happily. "Oh thank goodness! I thought I was staring at the face of death."

"I can't take it anymore you guys are really freaking me out! How is he going to punish us. I can't take it anymore I have too much to live for!"Lucy rambled out nervously.

"All of you shut up already!" Erza yelled.

Asami sighed and looked at Mirajane calmly. "Do you know when he'll be back?"

Mirajane gave her sad look. "No, but I would imagine he would be coming back anytime now."

Erza turned to look at the three wizards and blue cat with a stern glare. "Now listen up you fools! You're not getting off the hook. You broke guild rules by taking on that s-class quest! Prepare to be punished."

Gray,Natsu and Happy all hugged each other in fear and Lucy was grabbing her head. Wakaba gave them a cheeky smile. "Well it was nice knowing ya!" Before he looked down in thought."Although it's a crying shame.....those boys are one thing but I can't believe Lucy's going to be punished to. Oh you poor girl."He said looking at her in pity.

Lucy paled. "Poor girl,..." Both said boys glare at Wakaba for not feeling bad for them. The two begin to fight one another as always.

Asami stands in between Cana and Elfman watching the two boys fight as usual. She sweat dropped.

Elfman crossed his arms over his chest. "A big part about being a man is owning up to your actions. You hear that you two! It high time you guys man up!"He yelled.

"It not fair I'm the cutest one here. And nobody feels sorry for me. " Happy cried flying towards them. Haru sighing tiredly flies after the blue cat to comfort his friend.

"Can someone tell us what's gonna happen to us!" Lucy cried out.


Both Natsu and Gray are looking at the request board. "Huh. Thats one creepy looking job request." Natsu muttered.

Gray nodded. "Yea it is." He muttered back.

Loke approached them. "You guys are back. Whats up?"

"Not much man. What the heck. I can't even read it." Natsu muttered as he continued to stare at the request on the board.

"Read what?" Lucy asked appearing out of nowhere surprising Loke.

"Woah your back to Lucy!" Loke yelped.

"Geez. Thats real nice to see you too," She retorted back sarcastically. "What is your problem?"

"I-uh nothing!" He said running away only to bump into Ezra who knocked him out with her chest plate.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now