Chapter 2: Erza Is Back*

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I love him in a way that you can really only do the first time around.

It's the kind of love that doesn't know better,

And doesn't want to - it's dizzy,

And foolish and fierce.

That kind of love is really a one-time - only thing.

-Jenny Han (We'll Always Have Summer)

The water and ice couple dropped down onto the bench wearing tired expressions

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The water and ice couple dropped down onto the bench wearing tired expressions. Instead of spending their first night together relaxing, the couple had spent a better part of the night trying to get Haru to take a bath. The small brown exceed had been excited to show off the fish he picked up from his trip that in all his excitement he had accidentally spilled ink on himself.

It had taken a bribe into getting the little brown exceed into taking a bath. So on their way to the guild they had to stop at the market and buy the largest fish they could find, like they promised Haru they would.

Asami placed her head on Gray's shoulder, her blue eyes fluttering shut as she drowned out the noise in the guild. Gray watched her close her eyes, his gaze softened as he stared at her sleeping face. He really did miss her in the last year that she was gone.

The weeks in the beginning had been the hardest especially. Waking up in an empty bed and quiet house had made him lonely. It was only thanks to Loki and Natsu that he managed to leave the house and go on jobs. He had gotten so used to having company in their home that it felt strange without Asami and Haru.

The letters he received from her were sparse since the S-class job she had been on was supposed to be top-secret so she couldn't give him all the details in her letters. When he went on jobs, it was always alone since he didn't feel comfortable working with anyone else. Despite knowing that everyone in the guild had his back, his only partner would only ever be Asami and thankfully they all understood.

The sudden racket on the other side of the guild caused Asami to awaken from her short nap. The young couple looked over to see what was going on.




"Finding a magical bracelet Lifting a spell from a cursed cane Fortune-telling love using astrology Exterminating the evil spirits in a volcano?! There sure are many sort of requests for mages." Lucy read aloud, her brown eyes on the many job offers on the board.

Mirajane walked over to her, a bright smile on her face. "Let me know if you find a job you like, okay? Because Master is at the regular meeting now."

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