Dragon Cry: Part 2

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The sky darkened as the group stared down at the object in the center of them with a varying looks of awe. "We captured the staff." Erza breathed out. "But the question is how do we return it back to Fiore."

"They discovered all because of Natsu." Gray muttered under his breath, his eyes flickering to the fire wizard in annoyance.

"That was not my fault!" Natsu immediately protested having heard his comment. "There was a trap!"

Wendy lowered her head in shame. "I didn't notice them either." She apologized. "I'm sorry."

Her older sister gave her a small pat on the back. "That wasn't your fault. You guys didn't know." She told her softly.

The blonde picked up the staff. "In any case, this staff seems to carry an incredible amount of power."

"Show me, show me!" Happy took it from her grasp and began jabbing it into the air. "I don't feel any magic at all."

"Stop playing around with it." Carla chided him, placing her paws on her hips as she gave him a scolding look.

Wendy blinked. "But before that, Natsu..."

The group looked at the pinkette in question. "Oh, yeah." Natsu nodded, recalling his tears and began to ponder over it. He groaned, grabbing his head. "I don't understand!"

"In all cases, a staff that can destroy a kingdom is dangerous." Erza reminded them in a serious tone. "We have to handle it cautiously."

Haru sent Happy a pointed look, the blue cat jumped as he laughed sheepishly as he set the staff down as if he hadn't just been using it to draw on the dirt floor with it. "You better be glad she didn't see you." The brown exceed told him bluntly.

Asami glanced away from the exceed as she eyed her husband's sudden lack of attire and noticed the clothes littered in front of her on the floor. "Gray, your clothes." She muttered quietly.

"When did that happen?!" Gray exclaimed, seeing his clothes on the ground.

Lucy was telling them about Stella was known for it's beautiful starry sky and Natsu pointed out that there were no stars. She told him it wasn't her fault it was cloudy. The dragon slayers all stiffened when they heard rustling coming from the forest. "Quiet." Natsu shushed them.

"Get ready." Erza said just as a figure came from above them which startled her. "Above?"

"Taste my beautiful legs!" The mysterious woman said as she swiped her legs at them which sent attacks, causing them all to jump back before they could get hit. She targeted Erza who managed to block her kick.

Another person showed up, this time a male whose name was Doll, sent two of his puppets who threw powerful flame attacks

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Another person showed up, this time a male whose name was Doll, sent two of his puppets who threw powerful flame attacks. Asami managed to block it with her water magic as Gray and Wendy had jumped out of the way when they felt the intensity of heat from the fire. Soon after another man whose name was Gapri showed up and he was moving around on a Stellanium Floating device.

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