::96:: Caracole Island

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"My atoms love your atoms,

It's chemistry."


"W..We're going there by boat?!" Natsu exclaimed, before he covered his mouth feeling his stomach stir as the waves rocked the boat.

"How else could we?" Gray retorted, staring at at the pinkette struggling with his motion sickness.

"How else could we?" Gray retorted, staring at at the pinkette struggling with his motion sickness

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"I dunno... get Mest to teleport us there in an instant or something." Natsu replied back weakly, his eyes flickering to the wizard with hope in his eyes.

Mest grimaced, feeling bad for the male. "I can't do something that far."

Natsu got up weakly as he looked for the petite blunette. "Wendy... your magic... please..."

"Wendy!" Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide when she saw Wendy leaning over the ship holding the same expression Natsu had.

"I'm sorry..." The younger girl voice apologetically, dropping down on the floor not liking the way her stomach stirred. "It looks like I've become bad with transportation too.."

"Are you okay?" The blonde asked gently.

"Now that she's like this too, it'll be impossible for her to use troia." Carla said, her eyes filled with concern.

"Want some fish?" Happy asked.

"That's not going to help." Haru muttered, sending him a pointed look when Wendy's face got a bit more pale. "You know, maybe Asami can steady the boat from rocking to much."

Both dragon slayers turned to their fellow water dragon slayer with hope in their eyes. Only to see her standing completely still unmoving as she stared out at the sea. "Asami?" Gray stared at his wife in curiousity. "What are you doing?"

She blinked. "Thinking." She continued to stare out at the ocean, not moving her spot to even look at him.

Lucy, Haru, Gray, Happy, and Carla sweat dropped seeing the expression on her face.

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Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now