::88:: Goodbye

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You and I will meet again,

When we're least expecting it,

One day in some far off place,

I will recognize your face,

I won't say goodbye my friend,

For you and I will meet again.

-Tom Petty

Asami stared up at Amaya who along with other dragon slayer were having a short conversation with their prospective dragon parent after finding out that the dragon's were already dead and were just spirits. Their time was apparently short since they had no remaining energy left to stay longer.

She tried her best to not look over at Gray whose gaze she could feel on her form. She still hadn't been able to form the words to tell him about his father and Keyes. Right now, she wanted to spend every second she could with Amaya before having to say goodbye.

Everyone was aware of Igneel's death and how Natsu was currently with his body. The were respecting his mourning. Even Happy was crying, unable to hold back his emotions as he watched his father figure letting out sobs for his dead father.

"Don't think frown so much."

Asami was startled out of her thoughts and gave her mother a sheepish look. "Ehe, sorry." She muttered and took a glance over at Wendy who was crying while Grandeena was giving the small girl a sad smile. There was a bittersweet feeling about the moment.

"You must be happy to have found your little sister." Amaya said, her eyes soft as she stared at her adoptive daughter. She was happy to be out and in front of her daughter. She was glad her daughter followed her last wish which was for her to join Fairy Tail after they had traveled years in time and it was just a coincidence that she was still able to hear a bit while inside of her daughter that she heard the name of the guild and made it seem like Asami had been told to go there before she disappeared.

A smile appeared on her lips."I am. For so long, I thought I lost my family and completely tried to forget the memories of them. But, after finding Wendy I felt relieved since I blamed myself for so long and how I failed my parents." She said, knowing that guilt was gone but she was still guilty for the recent events.

"Then,why do you have that sad expression on your face?" Amaya asked her, taking note of how the ravenette would glance over at the shirtless wizard who seemed to have an intense look on his face. Not to mention the air of melancholy surrounding her.

Asami bit her lip, her eyes got a bit misty. "I-I'd rather not talk about that. Especially since you probably don't have long." She said.

She didn't want to spend the remaining time she had with her mother talking about her problems since this was more than likely the last time she'll ever see Amaya.

Amaya sighed and let the question go. "Alright." She conceded. "Anyway, I still had one thing I wanted to tell you. It's about your dragon slayer magic."

Asami blinked. "What about it?" She questioned, her brows furrowing slightly. "Wait! Do you have some new technique you wanted to show me?!" Her tone filling with excitement.

The blue dragon chuckled. "Something like that."

Asami leaned in as Amaya began explaining the new technique that she could add to her list of spells.


Haru shifted slightly beside Gray who was staring at Asami who was talking to her dragon mother. "What do you think they're talking about?"

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now