Her blue eyes flickered over to her husband with a soft expression on her face, despite the bad things that had happened before, she knew that without a doubt she would never change a thing.
"We did it." She said softly.
Gray rubbed his head against...
Lucy awoke from the nightmare that she was having, only to scream in surprise when she saw Reedus in her face with a look of worry. She was so surprised that she kicked him away from her. She looked around remembering that she wasn't home.
Back with Elfman, he watches as Sol tries to plead for him not hurt him. Sol realized that Elfman could easily take him out and sputtered out apologies. Mirajane watched in worry as her brother continuously punches and beats Sol for everything he had done. Mirajane called out his name for him to come back and to stop. Elfman surprised her when he freed her from the giant proving that he has control over himself.
He apologized to her that he had broken his promise by using body take over but he had no other choice in order to protect the guild. He also apologized for having killed Lisanna which she assures him wasn't his fault and that he needed to move on for both Lisanna and herself. That he had her still and that should count as something.
Mirajane realized that in order to stop the giant magic circle from forming was by taking out the element four. She quickly asked him if he knows how many are left. He was dumbfounded for a moment before he started counting on his fingers and tells her that there are only two left. They quickly head back inside in hopes of finding another member and stopping them.
Natsu and Happy continue in search of any member of Phantom in order to fight. Natsu asked Happy if he thinks that if they take out Master Jose they might be able to stop it. Happy yelled at him telling him that if Master Makarov couldn't defeat him what made him think he would. Natsu wave him off saying that someone had to. They were cut off by a strong wind attack. It had been Aria of the Element 4 who had been the one to defeat Makarov. He tells them that he is the strongest of the Element 4.
Asami, Gray and Haru walk through the halls as they search for an opponent to fight. Haru looked up and saw a way outside. "Hey look!" He flew up.
Gray looked over at Asami. "Come on." She nodded and the three jumped out the window outside. Once outside Asami's stomach growled causing her to blush in embarrassment. Gray chuckled in amusement. "Someone's hungry." He teased while Haru giggled.
She pouted at him. "Yeah, well with everything going on I didn't get to eat anything." Cue her stomach growl again.
He chuckled and reached in his back pocket. "Well lucky for you I brought something." He pulled out a box of pocky causing her eyes to twinkle.
"Thank you Gray!" She reach over to take from him but he it behind his head. "Hey!" She pouted.
He smiled at her. "Okay fine here." He pulled out a pocky stick and put it in front of her mouth. "Open wide." Haru giggled in the background watching them.
She blushed. "Are you serious, Gray. No way, I can feed myself." She waved her hands in front of her as he stepped closer. They didn't notice the rain begin to fall as she kept stepping back and him stepping forward.
"Oh, come on Asami, just eat it." He grinned as he took another step forwards not noticing a small rock on the ground causing him to trip.
He fell on top of her as they let an oomph sound as they hit the ground. They heard turned their head when they heard footsteps approaching them. It was a woman about the same age them holding an umbrella.
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