::52:: Old Friend

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"If it's to protect our family,

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"If it's to protect our family,

Be it the Kingdom or the entire world...

We would make anyone our enemy!

That's what it means to be Fairy Tail!"

-Natsu Dragneel

"Under attack?" Haru repeated with his eyes wide with shock and fear.

Asami bit the inside of her cheek and nodded in response. She didn't understand why someone would attack Fairy Tail especially when the strongest of the guild were all gathered in one spot. They either had a death wish wish or it was just a coincidence. But, regardless the two would have to regroup with the rest of the guild quickly. She looked down at Haru ready to say something when something was shot at Haru and she picked him up quickly and moved away from the attack.

A big dust of smoke formed from the impact missing it's target. The ravenette narrowed her eyes at the intruder. She held Haru in her arms protectively and tightened her grip when a loud giggle was heard.

Once the smoke cleared, the two Fairy Tail members could see who the attacker was. It was a young woman who had short pink hair that reached past her shoulders, dark magenta eyes, a small nose and a pout on her lips. She was shorter than Asami by a lot making her almost Levi's height while wearing a lolita dress with thigh high tights and heels. She was holding a whip that seemed to resemble the one that Lucy had except this one was all black with a symbol on it that Asami couldn't recognize yet seemed familiar in a way. "Aw~I missed." The girl pouted while stomping her foot like a child.

"Who are you?" Asami demanded, her whole body tense at the unknown attacker.

The pinkette blinked twice before she gave her a creepy smile. "I'm Nikko~ And you are....?~"

The ravenette's blue eyes widened when she caught the Grimoire Heart symbol on the pinkette's glove that she was wearing. "You're from a dark guild." Asami muttered ignoring the girl's question.

"Yep!" The pinkette chirped happily. "The 7 kin of Purgatory are also here! We came for Lord Zeref." She further explained all nonchalant.

Asami felt her voice caught in her throat at the information. She instantly felt worried about her friends hoping they were all okay especially Gray and Wendy. But, she needed to focus on the girl in front of her first before looking for the others. "The dark wizard Zeref?"

"Yeah! So I have a question." The pinkette suddenly said as she tilted her head. "Exactly which one of the Fairy Tail mages are you? Like how powerful are you?"

Asami furrowed her brow in question. "I'm Asami Amagai an S-class wizard of Fairy Tail." She answered yet still feeling wary of the girl in front of her.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now